Schiffer Fashion Press BACKLIST 2 1 Bakelite Jewelry: Good • Better • Best. Donna Wasserstrom & Leslie Piña. All the ques- tions about Bakelite answered in a colorful, richly illustrated book. Designed to inform as well as delight, this book shows how to rate quality- good, better, best-and explores the basics of Bakelite, from dealers' secrets to historical facts. All this, and a current price guide, will make this a favorite of collectors. Size:81/2"x11"•427colorphotos• 176 pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-0122-3•hardcover•$39.99 Bakelite Pins. Karima Parry. Bakelite plastic costume jewelry continues to be one of the hottest collectibles around. An expert covers the history of Bakelite pins including the evolution of their design, and sections on testing, common decorative techniques, other vintage plastic pins, and how to avoid fakes and reproductions. It is lavishly illustrated with over 600 color photos and has a clear price guide with every pin. Size:6"x9"•605colorphotos Price Guide • 192 pp. ISBN:0-7643-1326-6•softcover•$19.95 Shultz Bakelite Jewelry. Karima Parry. Cover- ing the entire artistic career of Ron and Ester Shultz, modern artists who rework vintage Bakelite into startlingly beautiful contemporary jewelry, this full color book shows hundreds of pieces, including many rare earlier pieces, along with notes on the Shultzs’ techniques and designs, and pricing on almost every piece. Size:81/2"x11"•570+colorphotos Price Guide • 160 pp. ISBN:0-7643-1662-1 softcover•$29.95 The Best of Bakelite and Other Plastic Jewelry. Dee Battle & Alayne Lesser. A treasure chest of superb jewelry in Bakelite, Celluloid and Lucite. Drawn from several of today’s leading Bakelite collectors, some of the finest pieces every produced include layered,carved,molded, translucent, painted and imbedded jew- elry styles. Size:11"x81/2"•181colorphotos Value Guide • 160 pp. ISBN:0-88740-901-6•hardcover•$39.95 Art Deco Bakelite Jewelry & Box- es: Cubism for Everyone. Deborah& Peter Keresztury and Nancy N. Schiffer. The Art Deco style of the early 1930s in Bakelite jewelry and boxes, with 100s of items shown in color and described with their current values. This book demonstrates how Art Deco style fits into the Depression era, providing color, simplicity, and economy. Size:11"x81/2"•170colorphotos Price Guide • 144 pp. ISBN:0-7643-1347-9•hardcover•$39.95 The Bakelite Collection. Matthew L. Burk- holz. Over 750 stunning color photos illustrate Bakelite collectors’ stories, experiences, and lovingly assembled collections in a book to delight every collector of this colorful jewelry. Fantastic jewelryarraysareshowcased in luscious detail, in a design that intensifies their beauty. A price guide makes it a truly valuable book. Size:81/2"x11"•770colorphotos Price Guide • 256 pp. ISBN:0-7643-0016-4•hardcover•$59.95 JEWELRY: RHINESTONES Rainbow of Rhinestone Jewelry. Sandy Fichtner & Lynn Ann Russell. Thousands of beautiful rhine- stone creations illustrated in over 450 color photos. Signed and unsigned jewelry pieces are arranged by color and design and presented with important facts and practical advice on the joy of owning beautiful rhinestone jewelry, including suggestions for care, cleaning, repair and storage. Size:6“x9"•over450colorphotos Price Guide • 160 pp. ISBN:0-88740-895-8•softcover•$19.95 Rhinestones! A Collector’s Handbook and Price Guide. 4th edition, revised . Nancy N. Schiffer. Rhinestones comprise the most popular form of jew- elry. Today, great designs are avidly collected, boldly worn, and thoroughly enjoyed by people around the world. Nearly 300 color photographs display jewelry with rhinestones of many colors, shapes, and optical styles in a variety of visual effects. Updated values in the captions. Size:6"x9"•300colorphotos•Price Guide • 160 pp. ISBN:0-7643-1751-2•softcover•$16.95 JEWELRY: BEADS & GLASS Beads of the World. Revised 2nd Edition . Peter Francis, Jr. The best and broadest reference on the origins and uses of beads available to date, it explores the importance of beads in their native settings in Europe, Asia, the Americas and Africa. Beads of organic, stone, and glass materials are individually discussed, and newly revised values are provided to help the collector. Size:81/2"x11"•272colorphotos Price Guide • 128 pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-0884-4•softcover•$19.99 Glass Beads From Europe. Sibylle Jargstorf. In nearly400colorphotosthebeautyandwidespread useofbeads isexplored.Rangingfromantiquityto themoderntime,Phoenician,Celtic,Viking,Venetian, African,Bavarian,Bohemian,Dutch,French,andRus- sianstylesarepresentedalongwiththefascinating evolution of the beadmaking industry. Their varied usesassymbols, infashion,andmorecontroversial mattersareexplored.Apriceguide is included. Size:81/2"x11"•384colorphotos PriceGuide•176pp. ISBN:0-88740-839-7•softcover•$29.95 Glass in Jewelry. Revised 2nd Edition . Sibylle Jargstorf.Agreatvarietyofbeautifulglassjewelryand glassbeadsidentifiedandillustratedinover400color photos.Createdfromthe16thtothe20thcenturies, the origins of filigree and alabaster glass, the lovely variety of bead types, artificial gems, glass cameos and incrustations, millefiori, mosaic and aventurine jewelry,andapplications inmodern jewelrydesigns arediscussed. Size:81/2"x11"•400colorphotos ValueGuide•200pp. ISBN:0-7643-0532-8•softcover•$29.95 Ethnic Jewelry: fromAfrica, Europe, & Asia. SibylleJargstorf.Thisnewstudypresentsstrikingparal- lelsinbothethnic(non-European)andfolk(European) traditionalcostumesandornamentsmadewithsilver andglass.FromSudan,GuineaCoast,EastandSouth Africa, Alps, Baltic Sea, Russia, Afghanistan, and Himalaya, these examples display a common sense ofbeautyamongmanydistantpeoples. Size:81/2"x11"•484colorphotos•160pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-1145-1•softcover•$29.95 JEWELRY: PATRIOTIC WWII Bakelite Jewelry: Love and Victory. Bambi Deville Engeran. Nearly 200 images of pins, necklaces, bracelets, and more capture these true signs of the times; not only crafted to express solidarity, loss, patriotism, and love, but to make use of a newmaterial that was not restricted by rationing and conservation orders. The range of colorful jewelry captured in this book is perfect for anyone passionate about Bakelite jewelry. Size:91/8"x81/8"•175color images•112pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-3871-7•hardcover•$24.99 Star Spangled Jewelry. Sandra J. Whitson & Nancy N. Schiffer. Vintage American patriotic jewelry including flags, eagles, Victory themes, political mascots, and Uncle Sam parade across these pages proclaiming allegiance to the United States. Over 600 color photos display diverse jewelry designs, including popular versions of military insignia, that have become icons of history. Size:81/2"x11"•625colorphotos Index • 160 pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-2648-6•softcover•$29.95 Antique Sweetheart Jewelry. Nicholas D. Snider. Military sweetheart jewelry and col- lectibles were important ways that those on the home front remembered a soldier’s love during World Wars I and II. Here are thousands of items of colorful jewelry, banners, pillow covers, paper items and compacts, in over 200 beautiful color photos. Also included are special sections on the Seabee andWASP items. A value guide is included. Size:81/2"x11"•over200colorphotos Value Guide • 160 pp. ISBN:0-88740-902-4•softcover•$29.95 Sweetheart Jewelry and Collectibles. Nick Snider. Nearly 200 beautiful color photographs of over 1,000 pieces of military sweetheart jewelry with explanatory text show these lockets, brace- lets, wings of love, in-service pins, “Remember Pearl Harbor” items, Victory pins, cards, pillows, banners, necklaces and compacts. Size:81/2"x11"•195colorphotos Price Guide • 160 pp. ISBN:0-88740-834-6•softcover•$29.95 JEWELRY: HOLIDAY Christmas Tree Pins. Nancy Yunker Trow- bridge. Over 1100 different Christmas tree pins, from the mid-20th century to the present, made by more than 200 designers and manufactur- ers. More than 1,200 color photographs are presented and the pins are described, identified, and valued. The rhinestones, enamels, and metalwork are of the finest quality. Collectors enjoy finding Christmas tree pins all year long. Size:81/2"x11"•1200+colorphotos Price Guide • 192 pp. ISBN:0-7643-1656-7•softcover•$29.95 Christmas Jewelry. Revised 3rd Edition . MaryMorrison.PhotographybyJamesMorrison. Over 340 dazzling photos of over 900 costume jewelry Christmas trees, wreaths, snowmen, Santas and ornaments. This jewelry is growing in popularity because it delights all. Company histories and revised Price Guide. Size: 9" x 6" • 350+ color photos • Price Guide/ Index•160pp.• ISBN:978-0-7643-3365-1•softcover•$19.99 JEWELRY: REFERENCE American Jewelry Manufacturers. Dorothy T. Rainwater. America’s leading authority on silver presents a comprehensive reference of jewelry trademarks and manufacturers, with a history of jewelry making in the United States. It includes 1000s of marks and hundreds of company histories, making it an invaluable reference work for serious collectors of vintage jewelry and silver. Size:81/2’’x11’’•1000sofmarks•280pp. ISBN:0-88740-120-1•hardcover•$69.95 JEWELRY: DESIGNING & MAKING FromThreadandWire:60JewelryProjects UsingKnittingandCrocheting. HelgaBecker, Photos by Helga and Richard Becker. These 60 astoundinglybeautiful jewelryprojectseachusea surprisingtechnique:crochetingorknitting!Help- fully coded as to difficulty level, they incorporate a variety of fibers and wire types. Make jewelry from thread and other non-metallic strands; frompurecopperwire;and fromsolidsilverwire. Size:9" x10" •182photosanddiag.•176pp ISBN:978-0-7643-4976-8•hardcover•$34.99 Drawing for Jewelers: Master Class in Professional Design. Maria Josep Forcadell Berenguer and Josep Asunción Pastor. This book teacheshow tousedrawingasmeansofexpress- ing jewelers’ creative ideas. Mastering this tool can be a great resource that can help jewelers to progress easily and steadily with designing jewelry and presenting their ideas and projects. This manual can be read from cover to cover or consultedwhen facingchallenges inrealprojects. Size:9" x12" •763b/w&color images•192pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-4058-1•hardcover•$45.00
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