
World War II Ghosts: Artifacts Can Talk. Rich- ard J. Kimmel. 52 World War II artifacts are inves- tigated via historical information, pendulum dows- ing, psychometry, electronic voiceprints, and psychic intervention. Renowned psychic Jane Doher ty, Shamanic Journeyer and Reiki Master Lisa Paland- rano, and New Jersey Ghost Organization psychic Maryanne Vasnelis join forces with the author/ sensitive to prove that these artifacts can talk. • 6" x 9" (152 x 228 mm) • 192 pp. • 978-0-7643-3159- 6 • PB • $14.99 US/£13.99/19.99 CAD Zombie Nation: From Folklore to Modern Fren- zy. E. R. Vernor. Go on a hunt for the facts, folklore, and fiction about zombies from the 1800s to popular culture. Zombie-related research, interviews, themed goods, movie and TV stories, and other mania culture features. Learn to use makeup to become a zombie! All in all, it's a good day to be undead. • 6" x 9" (152 x 228 mm) • 112 pp. • 978-0-7643-4450-3 • HC • $19.99/£18.99/28.99 CAD Seeking Bigfoot. Michael Newton. Examination of Bigfoot, focusing on reports and sitings, hoaxes, hunters, and more in North America. Covers 47 U.S. locations and 6 Canadian provinces in the years 2000-2014. Read about the creature's portrayal in modern media and advertising. • 6" x 9" (152 x 228 mm) • 192 pp. • 978-0-7643-4843-3 • HC • $24.99/£22.99/35.99 CAD ZOMBIES CRYPTOZOOLOGY Werewolves: Myth, Mystery, and Magick. Katie Boyd. Enter the world of the werewolf, where super- stition abounds and shape shifting is possible! Find out what to do if you or a friend turns into a werewolf or other were-beast. Learn the differences between Therianthropy and Lycanthropy, discover the different illnesses that could cause you to think your a werewolf. • 6" x 9" (152 x 228 mm) • 160 pp. • 978-0-7643- 3907-3 • PB • $16.99/£15.99/23.99 CAD Vampires of Lore: Traits and Modern Miscon- ceptions. A. P. Sylvia. A new way of looking at our modern understanding of vampires through traits rooted in historical folklore and the modern miscon- ceptions that result. You may be surprised to learn that there are big differences between the realm of folklore and what modern media has taught us. To unearth the answers, we must delve into the past and explore beliefs from around the world. • 6" x 9" (152 x 228 mm) • 128 pp. • 978-0-7643-5792-3 • HC • $19.99/£18.99 GBP/$28.99 CAD Vampire Evolution: FromMyth to Modern Day. E. R. "Corvis Nocturnum" Vernor, L. E. Carruba. Vampires are folkloric creatures who live off the blood of the living and have been recorded in near- ly every culture around the world since the beginning of man. This work traces the evolution and popular culture surrounding the vampire today. • 6" x 9" (152 x 228 mm) • 144 pp. • 978-0-7643-4841-9 • HC • $24.99/£22.99 GBP/$35.99 CAD VAMPIRES Devils and Demonology: In the 21st Century. Katie Boyd. Occultism, exorcism, and demonic enti- ties are in cultures around the world. Learn what to look for if you are a paranormal investigator and what you can do to ensure you are never a victim. Read cases, of people helped by a demonologist. Remember, what you can see in this world can hurt you, but what you can't, can kill you. • 6" x 9" (152 x 228 mm) • 160 pp. • 978-0-7643-3195-4 • PB • $14.99/£13.99 GBP/$19.99 CAD Exorcism: How to Clear a Spirit-Possessed Person. Eugene Maurey. This book explores a com- parative simple, safe and effective way of performing an exorcism. It traces the normal progression that a dying person experiences, and explains why a normal death often does not occur resulting in the spirit of the dead becoming earthbound. • 6" x 9" (152 x 228 mm) • 176 pp. • 978-0-914918-88-2 • PB • $14.99/£13.99/19.99 CAD I. Lucifer: Exploring the Archetype and Origins of the Devil. Corvis Nocturnum. A historic exam- ination of the archetype Lucifer from creation through modern-day evolution. Explore myths and legends of not only Satan, but what Lucifer represents in our culture and the effects it has had over the centuries. • 6" x 9" (152 x 228 mm) • 176 pp. • 978-0-7643- 3919-6 • PB • $19.99/£18.99/28.99 CAD DEMONOLOGY & EXORCISM Demonology & Exorcism | 47