
85 GERMANY IN WWII: UNIT HISTORIES The 11th SS-Freiwilligen-Panzer-Grenadier-Di- vision “Nordland” Rolf Michaelis. Several thou- sand ethnic Germans in Romania, (the so called Volksdeutscher) were drafted into the Waffen-SS in 1943. They were first used in combat in Croatia, the Oranienbaumer, Estonia, and Latvia. After the Soviet attack in Pomerania they fought in Berlin and were destroyed there. Size: 6"x9" • 80 bw photos • 152pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-3100-8 • hard • $35.00 The 32nd SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division “30.Januar” Rolf Michaelis. The SS Division “30. Januar” was one of the last SS-Divisions formed during WWII and was almost entirely composed of training units and 16–18-year-old boys. With a final strength of 12,000, they fought on the Oder-front south of Frankfurt/Oder. After the Soviet attack on 16 April 1945 they were wiped out in the pocket of Halbe southeast of Berlin. Size: 6"x9" • 80 bw photos • 128pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-3101-5 • hard • $29.99 Russians in the Waffen-SS Rolf Michaelis. From summer 1941, some 100,000 Russians served in the Wehrmacht, mostly as so called Schutzmannschaften under the command of the German Police (Höhere SS- und Polizeiführer) in the eastern occupied areas. The most famous unit was the Brigade Kaminski, es- tablished by Bronislav Kaminski in the summer of 1941. Size: 6"x9" • 100 bw photos • 120pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-3348-4 • hard • $29.99 Ukrainians in the Waffen-SS Rolf Michaelis. With the beginning of the Operation Barbarossa more than 100,000 Ukrainians volunteered for the fight against Stalin and communismn. These volunteers were put into Schutzmannschafts-Bataillone under the control of the German Police. Size: 6"x9" • 100 bw photos • 128pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-3349-1 • hard • $29.99 Estonians in theWaffen-SS Rolf Michaelis. Thousands of Estonians wanted to take part in the war against Russia. Besides the Schutzmannschaften of German Police in 1942 Himmler built up an Estonian SS-Volunteer Brigade which became later the 20. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (estnische Nr.1). Size: 6"x9" • 100 bw photos • 120pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-3350-7 • hard • $29.99 Cavalry Divisions of the Waffen-SS Rolf Michaelis. A concise combat history of the three Waffen-SS cavalry divisions in WWII: 8th SS-Cavalry Division Florian Geyer; 22nd SS-Freiwilligen Cavalry DivisionMaria Theresia; 37th SS-Freiwilligen Cavalry Division Lützow. The formation and combat histories of each are discussed in detailed text, along with maps and rare photographs. Size: 6"x9" • 150 bw photos • 168pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-3661-4 • hard • $35.00 Panzergrenadier Divisions of the Waffen-SS Rolf Michaelis. A concise combat history of the six Waffen-SS panzergrenadier divisions in WWII includes: the 4th SS-Polizei Panzergrenadier Division; 11th SS-Freiwilligen Panzergrenadier Division Nordland; 16th SS-Panzergren- adier Division Reichsführer-SS; 17th SS-Panzergrenadier Division Götz von Berlichingen; 18th SS-Freiwilligen Panzergrenadier Division Horst Wessel; 23rd SS-Frei- willigen Panzergrenadier Division Nederland. Size: 6"x9" • 190 bw photos • 208pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-3660-7 • hard • $39.99 The Kaminski Brigade Rolf Michaelis. The political and military movement of Bronislav Kaminski in Russia 1941–44 was an interesting case in the German occu- pation. His Peoples Selfdefend Army reached 10,000 men and fought for at least two years with great success against partisans on the Russian front. Size: 6"x9" • 100 bw photos • 192pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-3765-9 • hard • $39.99 Belgians in the Waffen-SS Rolf Michaelis. In the years between 1940–45, approximately 12,500 Belgians served in the Waffen-SS, a number roughly equal to the strength of an infantry division in 1944. This book describes the major units of the Waffen-SS in which the Belgian volunteers were concentrated, and where they were deployed. Size: 6"x9" • 90 color/bw photos • 112pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-4034-5 • hard • $35.00 Panzer Divisions of the Waffen-SS Rolf Michaelis. A detailed look at all seven Waffen-SS panzer divi- sions in WWII: 1.SS- PD “LAH”; 2.SS -PD “Das Reich”; 3.SS -PD “Totenkopf”; 5.SS- PD “Wiking”; 9.SS- PD “Hohenstaufen”; 10.SS -PD “Frundsberg”; 12.SS -PD “HJ.” Each unit is presented in detailed history from its formation, combat operations throughout the war, and final disposition at war’s end. Size: 6"x9" • 113 bw photos • 320pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-4477-0 • hard • $45.00 Latvians in the Ordnungspolizei and Waffen-SS Rolf Michaelis. Roughly 40,000 Latvians served in the Waffen-SS from 1943 to the end of war in the 15. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (lettische Nr.1) and 19. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (lettische Nr.2). This book is the complete operational history of this little-known unit and includes first-hand accounts, maps, and very rare war-era photographs, and soldbuchs. Size: 6"x9" • 85 color/bw photos • 112pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-4262-2 • hard • $29.99 The Cruel Hunters: SS-Sonderkommando Dirle- wanger, Hitler’s Most Notorious Anti-partisan Unit French L. MacLean. The Dirlewanger Battalion, also known as “SonderkommandoDirlewanger”was perhaps the least understood, but at the same time the most notorious German SS antipartisan unit inWWII.Medieval in their outlook onwar and certainly not indicative ofmany German military formations, this unit is a reflection of a segment of mankind gone mad in the inferno of WWII on the eastern front. Size: 6"x9" • 50 bw photos/maps • 336pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-0483-5 • hard • $35.00 TheSpanish intheSSandWehrmacht, 1944–45: The Ezquerra Unit in the Battle of Berlin M. Gil Martinez. The story of those few Spaniards who refused to abandon theirGermancomrades in their desperatefight toholdBerlin in the last daysof thewar. Thisday-by-dayaccount of the last weeks of the war includes information about antipartisan operations of the Spanish in the north of Italy, the combat together with the Walloons of Leon Degrelle, and their participation in operations against the maquis in France. Size: 7"x10" • 270 color/bw photos • 224pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-4271-4 • hard • $45.00 In Perfect Formation: SS Ideology and the SS-Junkerschule-Tölz Jay Hatheway. Extensive ref- erences to original source material on the underlying SS principles of blood, soil, and struggle as they were formalized in SS ideology. In support of his intricate link- ages between ideology and its realized form, Hatheway has obtained over 100 previously unpublished photos of the SS officer training academy Tölz. More than a series of buildings, the structure of the Junkerschule was itself a metaphor for the subset of Nazi ideology. Size: 6"x9" • 100 bw photos • 192pp. ISBN: 0-7643-0753-3 • hard • $29.95 Himmler’s Cavalry: The Equestrian SS 1930–45 Paul J. Wilson. Dressed in black uniforms emblazoned with the SS flash, Heinrich Himmler’s horsemen carried the SS banner across the German countryside and to equestrian competitions throughout Germany and Europe. Wilson provides numerous anecdotes, statistics, and capsule biographies of Equestrian SS personnel. Size: 6"x9" • 17 bw photos • 224pp. ISBN: 0-7643-1112-3 • hard • $29.95 Riding East: The SS Cavalry Brigade in Poland and Russia 1939–42 Mark C. Yerger. Riding East details the history of the SS Cavalry Brigade. It’s supplemented by 109 photos, six maps, six Order of Battle charts, complete officer rosters 1939–42, feldpost numbers, details of primary commanders within the Brigade, as well information on the units and commanders it was subordinated to. Size: 8.5"x11" • 100 bw photos • 224pp. ISBN: 0-7643-0060-1 • hard • $59.95 Allgemeine-SS: The Commands, Units and Leaders of the General SS Mark C. Yerger. The commands, units and leaders of the General SS are finally compiled into a single detailed refer- ence book. The biographical data for individuals alone adds vast detail to this fascinating topic. A detailed index allows referencing of individual commands or personalities. Size: 8.5"x11" • 120 bw photos/maps • 256pp. ISBN: 0-7643-0145-4 • hard • $49.95 Police Battalions of the Third Reich Stephen Campbell. The role that theGermanPoliceBattalions played inthedestructionof the JewsandtheEastern EuropeannationalitiesthattheThirdReichhaddeemed superfluousordangerous is littleknown.TheGerman Police,oftenaidedbylocalauxiliariesshotatcloserange over amillion people in less than two years. Later in the war the battalions were formed into regiments and absorbed into the SS where they were active in the hunt for partisan bands behind the front lines. Size: 8.5"x11"•120 bwphotos •160pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-2771-1•hard•$59.95 Panzer-Grenadier, Motorcycle & Panzer-Re- connaissance Units 1935–45 Horst Scheibert. Illustrated look at the organization, equipment and operations of the Wehrmacht’s armored infantry, recon and motorcycle units during WWII. Size: 8.5"x11" • 200 bw photos • 192pp. ISBN: 0-88740-285-2 • hard • $29.95 Combat Operations of the German Ord- nungspolizei 1939–45: Polizei-Bataillone • SS-Polizei-Regimenter Rolf Michaelis. Covers the little known combat operations of theGerman Ordnungspolizei duringWWII. Discussed are unit formations, personalities, and operations including frontline combat, security duties in occupied coun- tries, aswell as the participation of some battalions in ethnic cleansing atrocities. Also included are very rare photos, documents, soldbuchs andmaps. Size: 8.5"x11" • 120 bw photos/maps • 128pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-3659-1 • hard • $45.00 The Last Knight of Flanders: Remy Schrijnen and his SS-Legion “Flandern”/Sturmbrigade “Langemarck” Comrades on the Eastern Front 1941–45 Allen Brandt. This is the story of the Flemish volunteers of Germany’s famed Waffen-SS, told by those who were there. The book centers around Remy Schrijnen, the only Flemish volunteer to win the heralded bravery award, the Knight’s Cross to the Iron Cross. Size: 6"x9" • 110 bw photos/maps • 272pp. ISBN: 0-7643-0588-3 • hard • $29.95