
83 IMPERIAL GERMANY & WWI GERMANY Spiked Helmets of Imperial Germany Trawnik & Cowan. This monumental set includes over 400 color photos, illustrations and period images from the finest collections in the United States and Europe. For the first time, collectors will see a comprehensive full color photographic lexicon picturing helmets from every unit of the Imperial German Army of 1914. Many of the photos exhibit helmets of such rarity that they have never been seen outside a select group of advanced collectors Vol. 1: Infantry Regiments • Pioneer Battalions • General Officers Size:6"x9"•200color/bwphotos•256pp. ISBN:0-7643-2168-4•hard•$59.95 Vol. 2: Cavalry • Artillery • Train Size:6"x9"•200color/bwphotos•256pp. ISBN:0-7643-2167-6•hard•$59.95 Regimental Steins of the Kaiser’s Cavalry Paul Sanders. The steins presented in this book are organized by cavalry service branch, beginning with the heavy cavalries of Prussia and Saxony, followed by the Hussar and Uhlan regiments, and finishing with representative steins of the Jäger Zu Pferde and Dragoon regiments. Each stein is well illustrated in large color photos. Size:6"x9"•450color/bwphotos•248pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-3683-6•hard•$69.99 Uniforms&EquipmentoftheImperialGerman Army1900-18:AStudyinPeriodPhotos-Infan- try•Artillery•Jäger•Landsturm•Mountain• Insignia•Weapons CharlesWoolley.Formalstudio portraitsofpre-wardressandwartimeuniformsofall arms, as well as photo postal cards taken in the field ofvarioustroops.Includesa60pagefull-coloruniform sectionreproducedfromtherare1914platesbyMajor ArthurSchmidtof InfanterieRegimentNr.172. Size:9"x12"•550color/bwphotos•376pp. ISBN:0-7643-0935-8•hard•$69.95 Uniforms & Accoutrements of the Imperial German Hussars 1880-1910: An Illustrat- ed Guide to the Military Fashion of the Kaiser’s Cavalry Paul Sanders Vol. 1 : Covers the Guard, Death Head 1st and 2nd andline3rdthrough9thregiments.Chaptersprovide in-depthresearchontheheadgear,tunics,trousersand musicianuniforms,andincludesararesetofwatercolors illustratingtheregimentalparadehorsebridles. Size: 9"x12" • 300 color/bw photos • 232pp.ISBN: 0-7643-2060-2•hard•$79.95 Vol. 2 : Covers the 10th through 20th regiments and includes the colorful 10th, Brunswick 17th, and Saxon regiments. Chapters on the uniform accessories (bandoliers and boxes), swords, steins, and rank and regimental insignia are also included. Size:9"x12"•300color/bwphotos•216pp. ISBN:0-7643-2061-0•hard•$79.95 Uniforms & Equipment of the Imperial German Army 1900-18: A Study in Period Photos - Air Service • Cavalry • Assault Troops • Signal Troops • Pickelhauben • Steel Helmets • Vehicles CharlesWoolley.The second volume in the series contains over 500 never before published photos of the Imperial German military forces. Each photo and caption has been researched, affording the reader much information not to be found elsewhere. Size:9"x12"•590color/bwphotos•320pp. ISBN:0-7643-1104-2•hard•$69.95 Imperial German Field Uniforms and Equipment 1907-18 Johan Somers. This three-volume set provides the reader with an insight into the wide range of uniforms, weapons andfieldequipmentusedby the ImperialGerman Army during WWI. Vol. 1 : Field Equipment, Optical Instruments, Body Armor, Mine & Chemical Warfare, Commu- nications Equipment, Weapons, Cloth Headgear. Size:9"x12"•500color/bwphotos•384pp. ISBN:0-7643-2261-3•hard•$69.95 Vol. 2 : Infantry and Cavalry Helmets: Pickel- haube, Shako, Tschapka, Steel Helmets, etc.; Infantry and Cavalry Uniforms: M1907/10, M1908, Simplified 1915, Friedensrock 1915, Feldbluse 1915; Insignia, Imperial Marine. Size:9"x12"•500color/bwphotos•440pp. ISBN:0-7643-2262-1•hard•$69.95 Vol. 3 : Landsturm Uniforms and Equipment; Cyclist (Radfahrer) Equipment; Colonial Uniforms in China 1898-1918; Colonial Uniforms (Africa and the Southseas); Colonial Police Uniforms (Africa and the Southseas); Horse Equipment; and many other rare and unusual topics. Size:9"x12"•600color/bwphotos•464pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-2778-0•hard•$79.95 Field Grey Uniforms of the Imperial German Army 1907-1918 Michael Baldwin & Malcolm Fisher. Never before published period photographs and a wealth of highly detailed photos of tunics, laying out, in a very clear precise way, all the variations of tunic, their origins and usage. This is a must for any collector of WWI memorabilia.A reader-friendly book, it guides the collector through the often confusing information on the subject. In deluxe slipcase. Size: 11.5"x16" • 400 color/bw photos • 272pp.ISBN: 978-0- 7643-4033-8 • hard • $125.00 Feldgrau 1915-16: The War and PeaceTimeUniformsoftheGerman Army. The Official Regulations of 1915-16 EditedbyCharlesWoolley.This volume combines three color period vol- umes:1.DeutchlandsArmee infeldgrauer Kriegs-und-Friedens-Uniform;2.Feldgrau in Krieg und Frieden, Berlin 1916; 3. Die FeldgrauFriedens-undKriegs-Bekleiding derK.BayerischenArmee,Munich1916. Size: 11.5"x9" • 200 color photos • 240pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-3958-5 • hard • $69.99 German Amateur Photographers in the First World War: A View from the Trenches on the Western Front Sebastian Remus. While fighting in the trenches German soldiers had their cameraswith themand tookshotsof the reality of war. These photographs show the trench war at the Western Front as the infantry man or the company officer captured it with his camera. Size:12"x9"•380bwphotos•256pp.•ISBN:978-0-7643-3093-3•hard•$59.99 Uniforms of the German Colonial Troops 1884-1918 Charles Woolley. The Schutztruppen, the Expedition Korps, and III. See-Bataillon of the Imperial GermanMarineswere the forcesassigned to protect Germany’s far-flung Colonial possessions in Africa and China. Size:11”x8.5”•280color/bwphotos 192pp.• ISBN:978-0-7643-3357-6 hard•$69.99 The Imperial German Armies in Field Grey Seen through Period Photographs • 1907-1918 Johan Somers. These books present in detail the field-grey uniforms, helmets, weapons, and equipment used before and during WWI. Each branch of service is illustrated with over 3000 b/w, and color photos. Among the many topics covered are: uniforms, headgear, weapons, gas warfare, telephone and communications equipment, infantry, jäger, schützen, radfahrer, mountain troops, machine gunners, etc. Vol. 1 Size:9"x12"•1000color/bwphotos•280pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-4254-7•hard•$79.99 Vol. 2 Size:9"x12"•1000color/bwphotos•336pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-4584-5•hard•$79.99 Vol. 3 Size:9"x12"•1000color/bwphotos•360pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-4585-2 • hard • $79.99 IntheServiceoftheKaiser:Uniforms&Equip- mentoftheWWIGermanSoldierasPaintedby Soldier-Artist Friedrich Ludwig Scharf Charles Woolley. Friedrich Ludwig Scharf painted the troops as they looked during daily duties. Scharf also had a career Jäger enlisted man, rising to the rank of Offizierstellvertrater in 1918. He spent most of his wartimeserviceontheEasternfront,whereheobserved andfoughtwiththeCavalryregiments,aswellasthe ReserveandLandsturmtroopsassignedtothatfront. Size:9"x12"•120color/bwphotos•120pp. ISBN:0-7643-1981-7•hard•$49.95 GermanAssaultTroopsofWWI:Organization •Tactics•Weapons•Equipment•Ordersof Battle • Uniforms Thomas Wictor. The organiza- tion, tactics, weapons, equipment, orders of battle, and uniforms of official & unofficial units, from early raidingpartiestoformalassaultbattalions.Rarephotos of badges and insignia not previously known, with completeprimarydocumentsdescribingregulationsand training.Specificoperationsonallfrontsare included, withextractsfromarmymanuals.Size:8.5"x11"•300 bw photos • 344pp. • ISBN: 978-0-7643-4036-9 •hard•$69.99 German Flamethrower Pioneers of WWI ThomasWictor.Lavishly illustrated, itsmainsources arethehistoryoftheflamethrowerregiment,written by itsformercommander;amanualofassault-troop andflamethrowertactics,byaformerflamethrower officer; and the death book published by veterans of the flamethrower regiment. Prewar, wartime, and postwar developments are covered, along withdetaileddescriptionsofweapons,tactics,and epicflamebattles. Size:8.5"x11"•300bwphotos•288pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-2772-8•hard•$69.95