
75 THE GERMAN WEHRMACHT IN WWII: UNIT HISTORIES The SS-Panzer-Artillery Regiment 1 Leib- standarte Adolf Hitler (LAH) inWWII Thomas Fischer. This book is the first volume about Artillery Regiment 1 of the 1st Waffen-SS Division LAH. The artillery batteries of the LAH during the whole of WWII faced some of the hardest combat, and probably no other artillery unit was used as often at critical spots on all fronts. Size:8.5”x11”•290bwphotos•208pp. ISBN:0-7643-1982-5•hard•$59.95 The Leibstandarte in Greece: The 1st Battal- ion LSSAH during Operation Marita, 1941, from Battalion Archives Branislav Radovic and Martin Stiles. This large-format book contains over 300 mostly unseen photographs in superb high-quality reproduction. Originally photographed in May 1941 by an SS-Kriegsberichter, the book depicts the 1st Battalion, Leibstandarte SS “Adolf Hitler” (LSSAH) during their victorious march through Greece in 1941. Size:9”x12”•345bwphotos•240pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-4357-5•hard•$69.99 Tigers in the Ardennes: The 501st Heavy SS Tank Battalion in the Battle of the Bulge Gregory A. Walden.Thisbookprovidesadetailed lookattheactions of a German tank battalion in the Ardennes Offensive. It is the product of research in archives, conversations with veterans, and examination of the battlefields. The author’s experience as a tank unit commander provides unique insight. Includes over 100 images, many of them photographs never before published. Size:6”x9”•105bwphotos•144pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-4790-0•hard•$35.00 Comrades to the End: The 4th SS Panzer-Grenadier Regiment Der Führer 1938-45 - The History of a German-Austrian Fighting Unit Otto Weidinger. The complete history of SS-Regiment Der Führer. From its creation from primarily Austrian recruits through the Western Campaign, to the bitter battles in Russia where it was almost completely destroyed, the authors explain the engagements of this famous unit in full detail. Size: 6”x9”•100bwphotos/maps•480pp. ISBN:0-7643-0593-X•hard•$39.95 Blood and Honor: The History of the 12th SS Panzer Division “Hitler Youth” 1943-45 Craig W.H. Luther. The 12th SSPD was formed in early 1943 following the German disaster at Stalingrad, and trum- peted as a symbol of the willingness of German youth to make the ultimate sacrifice for Führer und Vaterland. This account is based largely on primary source materials, including extensive archival holdings, published memoirs, official histories, and numerous interviews with former division members. Size:7”x10”•160bwphotos•304pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-4267-7•hard•$49.99 The 12th SS Panzer Division “HJ”: A Pic- torial History Herbert Walther. A heavily illustratedchronicleof the“Hitlerjugend”Division in over 230 bw and 30 color photos including its late war formation and campaigns throughout Normandy and Austria. Size:8.5”x11”•250color/bwphotos•120pp. ISBN:978-0-88740-166-4•hard•$29.99 Himmler’s Bosnian Division: The Waffen- SS Handschar Division 1943-45 George Lepre. This is the story of the “Handschar,” a Muslim combat formation created by the Germans to “restore order in Bosnia.” What actually transpired was quite different. Size:6”x9”•250bwphotos•380pp. ISBN:0-7643-0134-9•hard•$39.95 UNIT HISTORIES The 3rdWaffen-SS Panzer Division “Toten- kopf,” 1939-1943: An Illustrated History, Vol. 1 Massimiliano Afiero. This first,of two vol- umes,tells the story of the“Totenkopf”from 1939 to 1943:from the campaign in Poland in 1939; its employment on theWestern Front in 1940;to the early campaigns on the Russin Front.Volume one culminates in the bitter fighting on the Demjansk front and to the Kharkov counteroffensive in 1943, finally ending with Operation Zitadelle. Size:9”×12”•869b/wphotos•256pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-5462-5•hardcover•$50.00 The3rdWaffen-SSPanzerDivision“Totenkopf,” 1943-1945: An Illustrated History, Vol. 2 Massi- miliano Afiero. This second,of two volumes, analyzes the summer 1943 campaign that followed Kursk,until theendof thewar:from itsoperationson theMius front, to thefighting in theKharkovarea,on theDnieperRiver, its transfer to the Polish front and its subordination to IV.SS -Panzer-Korps,the fighting on the Hungarian front to liberate Budapest, and then its participation in the Frühlingserwachen (“SpringAwakening”)offensive,until the final fighting inAustria and the surrender. Size: 9” × 12” • 712 b/w photos • 224 pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-5463-2•hardcover•$50.00 The 6th Waffen-SS Gebirgs (Mountain) Division “Nord”: An Illustrated History Massimiliano Afiero. This is the complete history of the 6thWaffen-SS Gebirgs (Mountain) Division “Nord” in WWII. Formed in 1941, “Nord” was employed along the Finnish–Lapland front against battle-tested Soviet forces from 1941–44. Size: 9”x12” • 563 b/w images • 184pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-5327-7 • hard cover • $39.99 The 8th Waffen-SS Cavalry Division “Florian Geyer”: An Illustrated History Massimiliano Afiero. Formed in 1942, the 8th Waffen-SS Cavalry Division “Florian Geyer” was one of the most controversial units in theWaffen- SS. Created with the intention of making it an elite unit within the Waffen-SS, it instead saw its main employment from the beginning of the war in Russia as a rear area security force against partisans. Size: 9”x12” • 385 b/w images • 160pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-5326-0•hardcover•$39.99 The 7th Waffen- SS Volunteer Gebirgs (Mountain) Division “Prinz Eugen”: An Illustrated History Massimiliano Afiero. This is the complete history of one of the most famous andwell-knowndivisionsof theWaffen-SS.Created as a mountain unit to be employed exclusively on the Balkan Front against partisan units, the unit fought with valor and fierceness on the battlefield. Size: 9”x12” • 425 b/w images • 160pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-5221-8 • hard cover • $39.99 The 17th Waffen-SS Panzergrenadier Division “Götz von Berlichingen”: An Illustrated History Massimiliano Afiero. The 17thWaffen-SSPanzergrenadierDivision“Götzvon Berlichingen” was one of the few SS formations to be employed exclusively on the western front duringWorldWar II. Size: 9” × 12” • 682 b/w images • 208 pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-5450-2•hardcover•$45.00 The 23rdWaffen SS Volunteer Panzer Gren- adier Division Nederland: An Illustrated History Massimiliano Afiero. A detailed history of the 23rdWaffen-SS Division “Nederland,” the Dutch volunteer SS combat formation. Employed exclusively on the Eastern Front, except for a brief period in Croatia, the “Nederland” formations participated inmanyofthemostdifficultdefensive battles on the northeastern front. Size:9”x12”•390b/w images•144pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-5073-3•hardcover•$39.99 The 27th Waffen SS Volunteer Grenadier DivisionLangemarck:AnIllustratedHistory MassimilianoAfiero.Thisbook isadetailedhistory ofthe27thWaffen-SSDivision“Langemarck,”the Flemish volunteer SS combat formation. “Lange- marck” was employed chiefly on the Eastern Front, first in the Ukraine in early 1944, then participating with a combat group in Estonia alongtheTannenbergLine inthesummerof1944. Size:9”x12”•501b/w images•128pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-5072-6•hardcover•$34.99 Globocnik’s Men in Italy, 1943-45: Abteilung R and the SS-Wachmannschaften of the Op- erationszone Adriatisches Küstenland Stefano Di Giusto and Tommaso Chiussi. This book describes the little-known activities of the Nazi group known as Abteilung R, in the OZAK region during 1943-45. Here they not only persecuted Jews,but became involved in the fight against the armed resistance movement,participated in security tasks,anti-partisan operations,and retaliation operations including arresting and killing of civilians. Size: 7”x10” • 420 b/w images • 240pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-5254-6 • hard cover • $34.99 The Waffen-SS Herbert Walther. Illustrated look at all divisions of the infamous Waffen-SS in over 500 photos and covers the formation and combat throughout WWII on a variety of war fronts. Size:8.5”x11”•500bwphotos•240pp. ISBN:0-88740-204-6•hard•$29.95 The 1st SS Panzer Division “Leibstandarte”: A Pictorial History Herbert Walther. A heavily illustrated chronicle of the “Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler” in over 300 photos including formation and campaigns on a variety of war fronts through- out WWII. Size:8.5”x11”•300bwphotos•120pp. ISBN:978-0-88740-165-7•hard•$29.99 Twelve Years with Hitler: A History of 1.Kompanie LSSAH 1933-45 Hans Quassowski. The original cadre of the later Waffen-SS was formed in March 1933 as the “SS Headquarters Guard Berlin.” From the first volunteers emerged more than fifty senior SS officers, all of whom received high decorations for bravery in the 38 Waffen-SS divisions that were formed later. Size:9”x12”•490bwphotos/maps•384pp. ISBN:0-7643-0777-0•hard•$69.95 Dietrich’s Warriors: The History of the 3. Kompa- nie 1st Panzergrenadier Regiment 1st SS Panzer Division LAH in WWII Peter Mooney. This book covers 3. Kompanie’s military actions between 1939-45 and details the various battles that they took part in, which covered nearly every major campaign of the German Army. This work has been compiled with the help of former soldiers of the 3. Kompanie. Size:6”x9”•85bwphotos/maps•240pp. ISBN:0-7643-1984-1•hard•$35.00 Chronicle of the 7. Panzerkompanie 1. SS-Panzer Division “Leibstandarte” Ralf Tiemann. This chronicle of the 7.Panzerkompanie follows the unit history of a Leibstandarte tank company from its creation in 1942 to the end of WWII. Compiled by former company com- mander and German Cross in Gold holder Ralf Tiemann, the detailed text relies on both official documentation and the personal recollections of numerous unit veterans. Size:6”x9”•90bwphotos/mapsï320pp. ISBN:0-7643-0463-1•hard•$29.95