
72 THE GERMAN WEHRMACHT IN WWII: KNIGHT’S CROSS HOLDERS, BIOGRAPHIES & MEMOIRS The Knight’s Cross with Oakleaves, 1940- 1945: Biographies and Images of the 889 Recipients Jeremy Dixon. This two-volumeset presents every recipient of the Knight’s Cross with Oakleaves,awardedduringWWII,andpresentedby Hitlerfrom1940until1945.Includedareeachofthe 889recipientsfromtheLuftwaffe,Heer,Waffen-SS, andKriegsmarine,aswellasforeignrecipients.This is thefirst timesuchawork is inEnglish. Size:8.5”x11”•1000color/bwphotos•648pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-4266-0•hardcover,two-volume set indeluxeslipcase•$125.00 Knight’s Cross Profiles Vol. 1: Heinz-Wolf- gang Schnaufer • Rudolf Winnerl • Hermann Graf • Hans-Georg Schierholz Ralf Schumann. This book is the first in a new series profiling the Knight’s Cross holders of the Wehrmacht in World War II. Concise biographies, rare photographs of personalities, aircraft, and award documents cover not only known soldiers and airmen, but lesser known KC holders as well. This initial volume covers four Luftwaffe fighter, and bomber pilots. Size:8.5”x11”•440color/bwphotos•208pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-4057-4•hard•$35.00 Knight’s Cross Profiles Vol. 2: Gerhard Türke • Heinz Bär • Arnold Huebner • Joachim Müncheberg Ralf Schumann and Wolfgang Westerwelle. This book is the second in a series profiling the Knight’s Cross holders of the Weh- rmacht in World War II. Concise biographies, rare photographs of personalities, aircraft, and award documents cover not only known soldiers and airmen, but lesser known KC holders as well. Size:8.5”x11”•400bwphotos•208pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-4369-8•hard•$39.99 Knight’s Cross Holders of the Fallschirmjäger: Hitler’s Elite Parachute Force at War, 1940-1945 JeremyDixon.Presentedherearethebiographiesofthe130 menoftheFallschirmjäger–Hitler’seliteparatroopersduring WWII–whowontheKnight’sCross.Theyfoughtonnearly everyfrontduringthewar, includingHolland,Belgium,Italy andRussia.Alsoincludedaredetailsofpromotions,awards anddecorations,andover200photographs. Size:7”x10”•204color&bwphotos•256pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-4892-1•hard•$45.00 Waffen-SS Knights and Their Battles: The Waffen- SS Knight’s Cross Holders Vol.1: 1939-42 Peter Mooney. Within each of the various battles covered, the book focuses specifically on each Waffen-SS soldier that was awarded the various grades of the Knight’s Cross. This volume covers the period 1939-42 and was written with the help of surviving Knight’s Cross holders or the Waffen-SS soldiers that fought alongside them. Size:6”x9”•60bwphotos/maps•288pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-3088-9•hard•$39.99 Waffen-SS Knights and Their Battles: The Waffen- SS Knight’s Cross Holders Vol. 2: January-July 1943 Peter Mooney. This second volume covers the period from January to July 1943 and was written with the help of surviving Knight’s Cross holders or the Waffen-SS soldiers that fought alongside them. Size:6”x9”•60bwphotos/maps•288pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-3527-3•hard•$39.99 Waffen-SS Knights and Their Battles: The Waffen- SS Knight’s Cross Holders Vol. 3: August-De- cember 1943 Peter Mooney. This third volume in the on-going series continues the overview of each Waffen-SS and covers the period August to December 1943 detailing actions in the chaotic post-Kursk period on the Eastern Front, as well as the opening of the second front in Italy. Size:6”x9”•70bwphotos•312pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-4273-8•hard•$39.99 Waffen-SS Knights and Their Battles: The Waffen-SS Knight’s Cross Holders Vol. 4: Jan- uary-May 1944 Peter Mooney. This fourth volume covers January to May 1944 and details an additional 45 Knight’s Cross, 7 Oakleaves, 3 Swords and the first Diamonds awards for the men of theWaffen-SS.Original maps help illustrate the part played by these soldiers. It was written with the help of surviving Knight’s Cross holders and contains a foreword by Karl-Heinz Euling. Size: 6”x9” • 79 b/w photos and maps • 304pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-5189-1•hardcover•$39.99 Knights of the Wehrmacht: Knight’s Cross Holders of the U-boat Service FranzKurowski.Each recipient is presented in a capsule biography including dates of birth, awarding of the various Knight’s Cross grades, and other particulars to rank and career. Each is also shown in WWII-era photographs. Size:6”x9”•150bwphotos•280pp. ISBN:0-88740-748-X•hard•$24.95 Knights of the Wehrmacht: Knight’s CrossHold- ers of the Fallschirmjäger Franz Kurowski. Each recipient is presented in a capsule biography including dates of birth, awarding of the various Knight’s Cross grades, and other particulars to rank and career. Each is also shown in WWII-era photographs. Size: 6”x9” • 130 bw photos • 280pp. ISBN: 0-88740-749-8 • hard • $24.95 Knights of the Wehrmacht: Knight’s Cross Holders of the Afrikakorps Franz Kurowski. Each recipient is presented in a capsule biography including date of birth, awarding of the various Knight’s Cross grades, and other particulars to rank and career. Each is also shown in WWII era photographs. Size:6”x9”•150bwphotos•352pp. ISBN:0-7643-0066-0•hard•$24.95 Bayerlein: From Afrikakorps to Panzer Lehr - The Life of Rommel’s Chief-of-Staff Generalleutnant Fritz Bayerlein P.A. Spayd. The first and only comprehensive biography of the life of Generalleutnant Fritz Bayerlein (1899- 1970), Erwin Rommel’s former Chief-of-Staff and commander of the elite Panzer Lehr Division during WWII. Over 340 photos and twenty war maps drawn by Bayerlein, make this book a valuable addition to a military or biographical collection. Size:8.5”x11”•340color/bwphotos•304pp. ISBN:0-7643-1866-7•hard•$59.95 Bayerlein:AfterActionReportsofthePanzer Lehr Division Commander fromD-day to the Ruhr Spayd&Wilkins.GeneralleutnantFritzBayerlein, CommanderofthePanzerLehrDivision,wrotetwenty manuscriptswhile interredasaU.S.Armyprisonerof war,fromApril1945untilhisreleasefromcaptivitytwo yearslater.AllofBayerlein’smanuscriptsarepresented here,compiledintoachronologicalnarrative,fromthe AlliedInvasionofNormandytohissurrenderoftheLIII Armeekorps in the lastdaysofWWII. Size:8.5”x11”•170bwphotos•216pp. ISBN:0-7643-2342-3•hard•$59.95 The Private Afrikakorps Photograph CollectionofRommel’sChief-of-Staff Generalleutnant Fritz Bayerlein Spayd &Dittmar-Bayerlein.TheprivateAfrikakorps photograph collection of Rommel’s second incommand,GeneralleutnantFritzBayerlein. Over200photos,showingpersonalities,battle scenes,behindthefrontlinerestperiods,and non-battlescenerysuchasatourofancient ruinswithRommel. Size:11”x8.5”•200color/bwphotos•176pp. ISBN:0-7643-2065-3•hard•$49.95 Bayerlein: The Denazification Trial of Rommel’s Chief-of-Staff, and Panzer Lehr Division Com- mander Generalleutnant Fritz Bayerlein Spayd & Insanally. This unique book about Bayerlein covers his trial by the Denazification Tribunal conducted in September 1947. Bayerlein’s German trial is extensively documented including details of his testimony regarding his actions as a commander during WWII. Size:6”x9”•200color/bwphotos•224pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-3954-7•hard•$39.99 Generalfeldmarschall Fedor von Bock: The War Diary 1939-45 Klaus Gerbert. The Von Bock memoirs allow the reader to see the entire drama of WWII through the eyes of one of Germany’s most important military commanders. After the attacks on Poland and Western Europe, von Bock became Commander-in-Chief of Army Group Center which carried out the main drive on Moscow during Operation Barbarossa and brought the Red Army to the verge of collapse in the great battles of encirclement. Size:6”x9”•62bwphotos•640pp. ISBN:0-7643-0075-X•hard•$39.95 Waffen-SS Commanders: The Army, Corps and Division Leaders of a Legend Mark C. Yerger. The units of the Waffen-SS were some of the most successful and influential combat formations produced by any country in this century. Finally, the commanders of these elite units are examined here in detail. Volume 1: Augsberger to Krüger Contains forty-four biographies that reveal the lives of the most senior Waffen-SS commanders. Size:8.5”x11”•400bwphotos•352pp. ISBN:0-7643-0356-2•hard•$59.95 Volume 2: Krüger to Zimmermann Contains sixty-one biographies that reveal the lives of the most senior Waffen-SS commanders. Size:8.5”x11”•440bwphotos•392pp. ISBN:0-7643-0769-X•hard•$59.95 SS Officers List (as of January 1942) SS-Stan- dartfuhrer to SS-Oberstgruppenfuhrer – As- signments and Decorations of the Senior SS Officer Corps The January 1942 “Dienstalterliste” lists the hundreds of officers in the SS from full Colonel to General. Detailing their posts at that time during the war, this facsimile wartime publication also gives significant decorations they were awarded. Their ranks and most recent promotion dates are listed as well as State, Police and NSDAP posts. Size:8.5”x11”•45bwphotos•64pp. ISBN:0-7643-1061-5•soft•$19.95 Tiger Ace: The Life Story of Panzer Com- manderMichaelWittmann GarySimpson.The first comprehensive study of the legendary Panzer commander. Though there have been numerous articles on Wittmann, none have come close to understanding the scope of his life and combat experiences.Wittmann’smilitaryexploitsstandout from all the rest, as his Sturmgeschütz III and Tiger I crews succeeded in destroying 138 enemy tanks and132anti-tankgunsandfieldartillerypieces. Size:7.75”x10.5”•77bwphotos•400pp. ISBN:0-88740-526-6•hard•$39.95 Joachim Peiper: A Biography of Himmler’s SS Commander Jens Westemeier. In this new historical investigation, Westemeier portrays the rise and fall of an SS war criminal, and demolishes persistent myths of a Nazi icon. Using primary sources and personal interviews, a compelling image of the SS colonel emerges. The result is a highly readable and scholarly account with the first complete picture of Joachim Peiper. Size:8.5”x11”•160bwphotos•288pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-2659-2•hard•$59.95