
70 SOLDIERS, UNITS, ETC. Rubber Soldiers: The Forgotten Army that Saved the Allies in WWII Gary Neeleman and Rose Neeleman. The Rubber Soldiers were an army of 55,000 men from the Brazilian northeast, who were sent to the Amazon basin to harvest rubber for theAlliedWar effort under an agreement between Brazil and the US.Approximately 26,000 of these men died in the Amazon of malaria, yellow fever, and other jungle afflictions. Size: 6” x 9” • 57 b/w photos • 200pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-5332-1 • hard • $29.99 The Battle of the Bulge in Luxembourg: The Southern Flank–December 1944–January 1945 Roland Gaul. This highly detailed combat history focuses on the fierce fighting in Luxembourg during the Battle of the Bulge, from the points-of-view of both the American and German sides. Vol. 1 The Germans . Covers the events from the German point-of-view. Size:7”x10”•120bwphotos/maps•320pp. ISBN:0-88740-746-3•hard•$35.00 Vol. 2 The Americans . Covers the events from the American point-of-view. Size:7”x10”•120bwphotos/maps•420pp. ISBN:0-88740-747-1•hard•$35.00 Yesterday’s Heroes: 433 Men of WWII Awarded the Medal of Honor 1941-45 Kenneth N. Jordan. Contains all 433 Medal of Honor citations. Along with the citations are Official Communiqués from the front, and newspaper accounts of various battles. Yesterday’s Heroes is a dramatic look at the corage of the American soldier in WWII. Size:6”x9”•624pp. ISBN:0-7643-0061-X•hard•$35.00 82nd Airborne in Normandy: A History in Period Photos Dominique François. On June 6, 1944, paratroops of the legendary 82nd Airborne Division jumped into Normandy with the mission of seizing the bridges over the Merderet River, Ste. Mére Eglise, and other surrounding villages. This book contains many first-person accounts from 82nd veterans, and more than 350 photos and maps, as well as a selection of full-color photos of WWII era airborne uniforms and equipment. Size:8.5”x11”•350color/bwphotos•280pp. ISBN:0-7643-2057-2•hard•$59.95 The All American: An Illustrated History of the 82nd Airborne Division 1917 to the Present Robert P. Anzuoni. This book is the complete story of the famous 82nd Airborne Division from its formation in 1917, through its legendary WWII campaigns (Sicily, Normandy and Holland), Vietnam, Grenada, Nicaragua, Desert Storm to the present. Size:8.5”x11”•230color/bwphotos•176pp. ISBN:0-7643-1321-5•hard•$45.00 “I’m the 82nd Airborne Division!” A His- tory of the All American Division in WWII After Action Reports Robert P. Anzuoni. This is the most comprehensive collection of combat narratives, after action reports, documents, maps, and photos detailing the saga of one of the most famousunits inWWII.Theseoriginaldocumentsare nowpublishedforthefirsttimesincetheywerecreated 60yearsago.Maps illustrateday-by-daymovements. 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Size:8.5”x11”•300bwphotos•192pp. ISBN:0-7643-2424-1•hard•$59.95 Parachute Rifle Company: A Living Histo- rian’s Introduction to the Organization, Equipment, Tactics and Techniques of the U.S. Army’s Elite Airborne Troops in Combat on the Western Front in WWII Robert Todd Ross. Airborne memorabilia, and a methodology for living historians to research and translate the real-life story of the legend- ary U.S. Parachute Infantrymen to the hobby environment. Size:8.5”x11”•100color/bwphotos•208pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-3511-2•hard•$49.99 Let’s Go! The History of the 29th Infantry Division 1917-2001 Alexander F. Barnes, with Tim Williams and Chris Calkins. An easy-to- read narrative for the amateur historian, and a valuable research tool for the professional, this providesanenlighteningviewof thehistoryof the 29th Infantry Division It also serves as a unique window to view America military history from 1917 through World War II to 2001. 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Over eighty full-color images of authentic First Special Service Force uniforms, insignia, weapons and equipment. Size:8.5”x11”•680color/bwphotos•320pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-1171-0•hard•$59.99 With the Black Devils: A Soldier’s WWII Account with the First Special Service Force and the 82nd Airborne Mark J. Nelson. Based on the letters and diary entries of Sam Byrne, who served with the Force from the early days in Montana through the unit’s inactivation in France, the book shares the thoughts and emotions of a front line soldier chronicling his activities as they take place. The book follows his experiences after the Force’s breakup, as he served in both the 504th and 507th Parachute Infantry Regiments. Size:6”x9”•30bwphotos•176pp. ISBN:0-7643-2054-8•hard•$29.95 The Last Fighting General: The Biography of Robert Tryon Frederick Anne Hicks. This is the full story of the legendary U.S. Army officer who formed, trained,and ledtheuniquebi-nationalFirstSpecialServiceForce. Frederickwastheyoungestgroundforcesgeneral,theyoungest divisioncommander,andoneofthemostdecoratedAmerican soldiersinWWII.Hepioneeredracialintegrationonarmytraining bases,devisedtrainingregimensusedthroughoutNorthAmerica, andleftarecordthatwouldseemmythicalifnotdocumented. Size:6”x9”•40bwphotos•272pp. ISBN:0-7643-2430-6•hard•$35.00 The Sky Men: A Parachute Rifle Company’s Story of the Battle of the Bulge and the Jump Across the Rhine Kirk B. Ross. This is the story of F Company of the 513th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 17th U.S. Airborne Division. They were all volunteers to a new, dangerous, and elite corps – Airborne. Includes many never before used documents, with the personal accounts of nearly one hundred men of F Company and other associated organizations. Size:6”x9”•130bwphotos/maps•544pp. ISBN:0-7643-1172-7•hard•$35.00 The Illustrated Manual of U.S. Portable Flamethrowers Charles S. Hobson. This is the first book to cover U.S. portable flamethrowers in detail, and explores the development of each model, the prototypes, failures and standardized models with the history of use in combat from our first failed attempts in WWI, through WWII, Korea and Vietnam. Wartime manuals are reproduced in full on a Mac and PC compatible CD. Size:8.5”x11”•130color/bwphotos•160pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-3525-9•hard•$49.99 Operation Dragoon—Autopsy of a Battle: The Allied Liberation of the French Riviera August-September 1944 Jean-Loup Gassend. On August 15, 1944, the Allied First Airborne Task Forcespearheaded the invasionofsouthernFrance withanighttime jump intoenemyterritory.Overthe next three weeks this elite airborne division, aided by the ruthless French Resistance, advanced from the drop zones all the way to the Franco-Italian border, fighting its way through the French Riviera. 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Size: 7” x 10” • 108 b/w photos • 256pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-5815-9 • hard • $29.99 The Fifth Field: The Story of the 96 American Soldiers Sentenced to Death and Executed in Europe and North Africa in World War II Col. French L. MacLean. The Last Great Mystery of WWII. During WWII, in the North African/Mediterranean and European Theaters of Operation, from the dusty sands of Algeria to the grim, granite fortresses of Belgium, 96 American soldiers were convicted by Army General Courts Martial and executed. The proceedings were short, the justice was tough, and the hangman was crazy. Size:7”x10”•120bwphotos•352pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-4577-7•hard•$39.99