
69 VEHICLES & ARTILLERY: GERMAN: CAPTURED VEHICLES, OTHER • SOLDIERS, UNITS, ETC. Forgotten Soldiers of World War I: America’s Immigrant Doughboys Alexander F. Barnes & Peter L. Belmonte. This book recounts the story of foreign-born American soldiers in World War I. From draft registration throughdischargeandpostwaractivity, thisbook, inwords and hundreds of photographs, shows how these men adjusted, learned,andbecamefightingUSsoldiers.Learn thehistoryofAmerica’s foreign-bornsoldiersduringWorld War Iandhow theyadapted tomilitaryservice tobecome part of the successful American Expeditionary Forces. Size: 6” × 9” • 135 color and b/w images • 192pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-5547-9 • hard cover • $29.99 WithaWeaponandaGrin:PostcardImagesof France’sBlackAfricanColonialTroopsinWWI StephanLikosky.InWorldWarI,bothFranceandGermany manipulatedimagesoftheFrenchBlackAfricansoldierto suittheirchangingneeds.Portrayalsrangedfromasavage toagrinningchild-likefigure,non-threateningtoFrench citizenry.Postcards of the era reflect this propaganda campaignand its importance inunderstandinganoften neglectedaspectof theFirstWorldWar. Size: 8.5”x11” • 156 color and b/w photos 128pp. • ISBN: 978-0-7643-5227-0 hard cover • $34.99 Days of Perfect Hell: The U.S. 26th Infantry Regiment in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive, October-November 1918 Peter L. Belmonte. The U.S. 26th Infantry Regiment suffered 50 percent casualties in the bloody Meuse-Argonne Offensive, the final drive of World War I. Told here is the story of the 26th in day-to-day detail as they struggled through hills and woods brimming with German machine guns and artillery. Size:7”x10”•94bwphotos•240pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-4921-8•hard•$29.99 To Hell with the Kaiser, Vol. I : America Prepares for War, 1916-1918 Alexander F. Barnes. Faced with entry into the “Great War,” the U.S. called upon its military leaders to prepare the Army for combat. This two-volume series is the story of how American military and civilian leadership created and trained the Doughboys. America’s Army would grow to field over a million soldiers in the Meuse-Argonne campaign. Size:8.5”x11”•543color/bwphotos•320pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-4909-6•hard•$59.99 To Hell with the Kaiser, Vol. II : America Prepares for War, 1916-1918 Alexander F. Barnes. Faced with entry into the “Great War,” the U.S. called upon its military leaders to prepare the Army for combat. This two-volume series is the story of how American military and civilian leadership created and trained the Doughboys. America’s Army would grow to field over a million soldiers in the Meuse-Argonne campaign. Size:8.5”x11”•649color/bwphotos•288pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-4911-9•hard•$59.99 American Lions: The 332nd Infantry Regi- ment in Italy inWWI Dalessandro&Dalessandro. As Pershing’s “Propaganda Regiment” the 332nd was the only American regiment assigned to Italy, where they formed a phantom army that helped defeat the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The 332nd fought in the Vittorio-Veneto Campaign and following the armistice, served in the occupation of Austria, Dalmatia, and Montenegro. Size:8.5”x11”•300color/bwphotos•256pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-3518-1•hard•$69.99 Commanding Fire: An Officer’s Life in the 151st Machine Gun Battalion, 42nd Rainbow Division During World War I Lt. N.P. Parkinson with Joel R. Parkinson. Commanding Fire is one officer’s story of commandingmachinegunson thebattlefieldsofnorthern France in 1918. It is the first published history of the 151st Machine Gun Battalion, 42nd Rainbow Division covering action inLorraine,Champagne,Chateau-Thierry,St.Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, and service in the Army of Occupation. Size:6”x9”•92colorphotos•288pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-4582-1•hard•$29.99 Willing Patriots: Men of Color in the First World War Dalessandro & Torrence. The story of Black Americans who served in the U.S. Army in WWI. The book provides the reader deeply researched treatment of the organization, combat history/battle participation of all black troops including the two infantry divisions, supporting organizations of the Services Of Supply, and the special troops. Size:8.5”x11”•270color/bwphotos•256pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-3233-3•hard•$69.99 On the Western Front: Eyewitness Accounts from Australians in the Great War Michael Enright. A close-up account of Australian servicemen on the Western Front during WWI. Using many previously unpublished, first-hand materials, the author provides a fresh look at the Great War through the eyes of ordinary servicemen. Size:6”x9”•31bwphotos•192pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-4828-0•hard•$29.99 Stamping Out the Virus: Allied Intervention in the Russian Civil War 1918-20 Perry Moore. “Stamping Out the Virus” was a phrase used by Col. Fuller in an internal memo in 1919 to describe Communism – to the Allies (French, British and U.S.) this is what the Russian Civil War was about. Thus, began a two-year attempt to eradicate this virus. In 1918, over 15,000 Allied troops were sent and intervened in the Russian Civil war at Archangel on the White Sea (North Russia). Size:6”x9”•80bwphotos/maps•408pp. ISBN:0-7643-1625-7•hard•$35.00 China Horse Marine: John R. Angstadt U.S.M.C. American Legation, Peiping China, 1934-1937 E. Richard Bonham. The U.S.’s elite China Horse Marines rode Mongolian ponies and patrolled the Chinese countryside to protect Americans. Illustrated with over 420 rare and previously unpublished Horse Marine itemsandphotographs, thisbookoffersaunique perspective into the life of John R. Angstadt, one China Horse Marine. Size:8.5”x11”•422color/bwphotos•192pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-4890-7•hard•$59.99 Organization andMarkings of United States Army Armored Units 1918-41 Charles Lemons. A subject that has long been ignored, the book reveals, through text, drawings and photos, the colorful markings used by American armored units during this period. Starting with the American Ex- peditionary Force and the Tank Corps, it works its way through the Infantry-Tank units, mechanized cavalry, the first four armored divisions and even the GHQ tank battalions. Size:8.5”x11”•340color/bwphotos•232pp. ISBN:0-7643-2098-X•hard•$59.95 U.S. Army Olympic Equestrian Competi- tions 1912-48 Robert D. Thompson. This book tells the stories of the triumphs, the contributions, and the failures of the U.S. Army Olympians, and also captures the humor and good times as well as the drama and disappointments of the U.S. Army Olympians from the 1912 Games in Stockholm, to the 1948 Games in London. The stories are rich in detail, and include the controversial 1936 Berlin Summer Games. Size:8.5”x11”•120bwphotos•208pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-3096-4•hard•$49.99 Engineering the Victory: The Battle of the Bulge - A History Col. David Pergrin. Assisted by the Army Engineer Association, the author has gathered numerous battlefield stories, anecdotes, and experiences told by those who were there and who lived them. Size:6”x9”•200bwphotos/maps•448pp. ISBN:0-7643-0163-2•hard•$35.00 Captured Tanks under the German Flag: Russian Battle Tanks Regen- berg/Scheibert.Photographic lookat the Wehrmacht’s use of captured Russian armor during WWII. Size: 11”x8.5” • 80 bw photos/drawings •48pp. ISBN:978-0-88740-201-2•soft•$14.99 OTHER The Wehrmacht Weapons Testing Ground at Kummersdorf Wolfgang Fleischer. The only history in English of the German military’s testing grounds at Kummersdorf south of Berlin from the pre-WWI era through the WWI and WWII years. This rare collection of photos shows the wide variety of armor, artillery, ammunition, and vehicles tested there. Size:7”x10”•300bwphotos•200pp. ISBN:0-7643-0273-6•hard•$29.95 The Underground Military Command Bun- kers of Zossen, Germany Hans George Kampe. Theonlydetailedhistoryof thehugeWWIIGerman underground command complex south of Berlin, which still exists today. Includes detailed plans, rare war-era photos and post-war use and update. Size:8.5”x11”•100bwphotos•48pp. ISBN:0-7643-0164-0•soft•$9.95 The Flak Towers in Berlin, Hamburg and Vienna 1940-50 Michael Foedrowitz. Illustrated history of the huge German flak towers, some of which still exist today. Details include construction, weapons, and post-war fate. Size:8.5”x11”•110bwphotos•48pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-0398-2•soft•$14.99 SOLDIERS, UNITS, ETC. AmidtheRuins:DamonRunyon:WorldWarIReportsfrom theAmericanTrenchesandOccupiedEurope,October 1918–March1919,withaSelectionofHisWartimePoetry AlanD.GaffandDonaldH.Gaff. DespiteDamonRunyon’sacclaim, hisworkasanaccreditedwarcorrespondentduringWWIhasbeen overlooked.CombininghisdispatchesfromEurope,wartimepoetry, andexhaustivenoteson thepeople,places,andevents thatmade uphiswriting,thiscollection illuminatesnotonly thedevelopment ofRunyon’scharacteristicstyle,butAmericanWWIhistory. Size: 7” x 10” • 49 b/w photos • 272pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-5785-5 • hard • $29.99 Play Ball!: Doughboys and Baseball during the Great War Alexander F. Barnes, Peter L. Belmonte, & Samuel O. Barnes. Play Ball! is the in-depth story of the AmericanDoughboysof theGreatWarand their tie to the NationalPastime.Sharing theirmilitaryservice, incombat and on the baseball diamond, were a number of famous professional ballplayers, managers, lawyers, politicians, and even an umpire. Together they kept the game alive in the midst of war and the worldwide flu pandemic. Size: 6” × 9” • 158 color and b/w images • 256pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-5678-0 • hard • $26.99 Images from “Over There”: Personal Photog- raphy of America’s Expeditionary Forces in WWI and Occupation Stephen C. McGeorge, Major US Army (Ret.). This is a detailed study of some 150 unpublished and never before seen images of soldiers of the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) taken in France and in Germany in the Army of Occupation and provides an in depth look at what the AEF looked like as they were actively engaged in the business of making the world safe for democracy. Size:91/8”x81/8”•150 images•128pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-5635-3•hard•$24.99