
67 VEHICLES & ARTILLERY: GERMAN: TANKS Panzer III & Its Variants Walter Spielberger Hilary L. Doyle & Thomas L. Jentz. This volume in the series presents the Wehrmacht’s heavy tank destroyers: Ferdinand, Jagdpanther and Jagdtiger with previously unpublished photos and action reports. Size: 8.5”x11” • over 200 photographs • 168pp. ISBN: 978-0-88740-448-1 • hard • $49.99 Panzer IV Horst Scheibert. Illustrated history of Germany’s most produced WWII tank which was used on every war front. Size:11”x8.5”•80bwphotos/drawings 48pp.•ISBN:0-88740-677-7•soft•$9.95 Panzer IV (Lang) Riebenstahl/Scheibert. Photo history of the long-gun versions of Germany’s Panzer IV during WWII. Size:8.5”x11”•70bwphotos/drawings•48pp. ISBN:0-7643-0094-6•soft•$9.95 The Panzer IV Family Horst Scheibert. Illustrated look at the great variety of armored vehicles using the Panzer IV chassis during WWII. Size:11”x8.5”•80bwphotos/drawings 52pp.•ISBN:0-88740-359-X•soft•$9.95 Panzerkampfwagen IV: The Backbone of Germany’s WWII Tank Forces David Doyle. The Panzer IV was the most plentiful German tank of WWII, and the nation’s only tank to remain in production for the duration of the conflict. Over 180 photos chronicle the design, development and deployment of this panzer.Nine chapters,each devoted toaspecificmodel,useconcise,easy to read text and detailed captions to explore this iconic tank. Size: 9” x 9” • 183 photos • 112pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-5359-8 • hard • $19.99 Panzer IV & Its Variants Walter Spielberger .Vol. IV of IV. Size: 8.5”x11” • over 200 photographs • 168pp. ISBN: 978-0-88740-515-0 • hard • $49.99 Panzerkampwagen IV and its Variants 1935- 1945 Book 2 Walter Spielberger Hilary L. Doyle & ThomasL.Jentz. Thisbookisthefinaldocumentationon thePanzerkampfwagenIVseries,themostoften-built German tank of World War II and presents the exact chronologyofthevehicle’sdevelopmentfrom1935-45, plusmanyhithertounknownandpioneeringtestvehicles. Theauthorsdiscusstheoriginofthe“LargeTractor”,the so-calledNeubau(New-Built)Vehicleandtheattempts in1944 to install the7.5cmKampfwagenkanone42 L/70ofthe“Panther”ontothePanzer IV.Theauthors have dedicated an entire chapter to armament, and action inallwat theaters. Size: 8.5”x11” • over 400 bw images • 304pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-3756-7 • hard • $69.99 The Panther Horst Scheibert. The legendary WWII German panzer in a concise photo history covering technical details and combat use. Size:11”x8.5”•70bwphotos/drawings 48pp.•ISBN:0-88740-314-X•soft•$9.95 Panther Family Horst Scheibert. Illustrat- ed history of the WWII German armored vehiclesusint thePantherchassis including the Jagdpanther and Bergepanther. Size:11”x8.5”•80bwphotos/drawings 48pp.• ISBN:978-0-88740-202-9 soft•$14.99 Panther&ItsVariants WalterSpielberger.Thefirst twovolumesofthisdefinitivehistoryofGermanarmor are now available in English! Known for its emphasis ondetail, theSpielbergerseriesshows in factory, test andcombatphotographs,anddetailed linedrawings, all production models, prototypes and modifications ofspecificarmorandmilitaryvehicles.VolumeIcovers all variations of the “Panther” tanks, including all vehiclesthatusedthePantherchassis.VolumeIIonthe Sturmgeschutzassaultguns,showsallshortand long gunversions,aswellasthevarioussupportvehiclesof theSturmartillerie.Upcomingvolumesinclude:Volume IIIon thePanzer IV,andVolume IVand thePanzer III. Size: 8.5”x11” • over 460 photographs • 288pp. ISBN: 978-0-88740-397-2 • hard • $69.99 Tiger I Horst Scheibert. Concise photo history of the infamous German Tiger tank and its WWII use from late-1942 to war’s end. Size:11”x8.5”•70bwphotos/drawings 48pp.• ISBN:978-0-88740-352-1 soft•$14.99 Germany’s Tiger Tanks Tom Jentz & Hilary Doyle Vol. 1: D.W. to Tiger I: Design, Production & Modifications This first volume covers the history, development and production of the Tiger tank variants from the idea’s conception to the end of production. Includes details on the development series known as the D.W., VK 30.01(H), VK 30.01(P), VK 36.01(H), VK 45.01(P) as well as the Tiger I. Size:9”x12”•160bwphotos/plans•192pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-1038-6•hard•$59.99 Vol. 2: VK45.02 to TIGER II Design, Pro- duction & Modifications Covers develop- ment from the VK 45.02(P), VK 45.03(H) to the modifications under design for the Tiger II. Scale drawings combined with drawings, sketches, and photos depicting external modifications as well as internal views. Size:9”x12”•250bwphotos/plans•176pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-0224-4•hard•$69.99 Vol. 3: Tiger I & Tiger II: Combat Tactics Covers the complete combat history of the Tigers I and II, and includes the operational characteristics, organization, tactics, issued to combat units operational strength reports, and after-action-accounts. Size:9”x12”•180bwphotos/plans•176pp. ISBN:0-7643-0225-6•hard•$59.95 The Tiger I in Combat Wolfgang Fleischer. Illustrated look at the legendary Tiger I focusing on its combat use on a variety of WWII fronts. Size:8.5”x11”•70bwphotos/drawings•48pp. ISBN:0-7643-1271-5•soft•$9.95 The King Tiger Vol. 1 Horst Scheibert. Illustrated history of the legendary King Tiger its construction, and combat use in France and Russia. Size:11”x8.5”•80bwphotos/drawings 48pp.•ISBN:0-88740-185-6•soft•$9.95 The King Tiger Vol. 2 Horst Scheibert. Companion volume on the King Tiger and itsWWIIcombatuse frommid-1944 to the end of the war. Size:11”x8.5”•80bwphotos/drawings 48pp.• ISBN:0-88740-287-9 soft•$12.99 Tiger Family of Tanks HorstScheibert. Illustrated history of Germany’s armored vehicles using the Tiger I and II chassis’s such as the Jagdtiger and Elefant. Size:11”x8.5”•80bwphotos/drawings 48pp.• ISBN:978-0-88740-187-9 soft•$14.99 The Tiger I and Tiger II Profile Photographic look at both the Tiger I and Tiger II and their combat use in WWII. Size:8.5”x11”•70bwphotos/drawings•48pp. ISBN:0-88740-925-3•soft•$12.95 Panzers Tiger I & II Horst Scheibert. Companion photo history of both the Tigers I and II focusing on their combat use in WWII. Size: 11”x8.5” • 80 bw photos/drawings •48pp. ISBN:0-88740-679-3•soft•$9.95 Tigers I and II: Germany’s Most Feared Tanks of World War II David Doyle. Germany’s Tiger tank,whether in the form of theTiger I or later Tiger II,was the most feared tank of all duringWWII. Over 175 photos chronicle the design,development, and deployment of this panzer. Divided by tank type, this book augments carefully selected vintage photos with full-color photographs of rare surviving examples from around the globe. Size:9”×9”•179colorandb/wphotos•112pp. ISBN:978-0-7643-5848-7•hard•$19.99