
53 THE LUFTWAFFE IN WWII: AIRCRAFT Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Manfred Griehl. Fol- low-upvolumeon the legendaryWWIILuftwaffe fighter aircraft. Size:8.5"x11"•80color/bwphotos•52pp. ISBN:0-88740-817-6•soft•$14.95 Focke-Wulf Fw190A: An Illustrated History oftheLuftwaffe’sLegendaryFighterAircraft Hermann/Leverenz/Weber.Thedevelopmenthistory andtestingofthisfighteraircraftandproductionofthe earlyvariantsoftheFw190A.Alsocoveredarethelater torpedo-carrier and reconnaissance versions of the Fw190.Lavishlyillustratedwithphotosanddrawings, manyofwhichhavenotbeenpublishedbefore,this book is forbothaircraftenthusiastsandmodelers. Size:8.5"x11"•340color/bwphotos•224pp. ISBN:0-7643-1940-X•hard•$59.95 Focke-Wulf Fw 190 “Long Nose": An Illus- tratedHistoryoftheFw190DSeries Dietmar Hermann.Thisbookcoversthedevelopmenthistory of those variants of the Fw 190 powered by inline engines.ThefirstFw190equippedwithaDaimler Benzliquid-cooledenginetooktotheairinearly1942, followedsixmonths laterbyanotherpoweredbya Jumo213.Withamaximumspeedof750km/h,the Fw190D-12poweredbythenewJumo213EBwould haverepresentedtheapexofFw190development. Size:8.5"x11"•250color/bwphotos•208pp. ISBN:0-7643-1876-4•hard•$59.95 Focke-Wulf Fw 200 Condor Heinz J. Nowarra. Concise, illustrated history of the WWII Luftwaffe’s four-engine, long- range maritime patrol, anti-shipping, and reconnaissance aircraft. Size:11"x8.5"•90bwphotos•48pp. ISBN:0-88740-235-6•soft•$9.95 Focke-Wulf Ta 152: The Story of the Luft- waffe’s Late-War, High-Altitude Fight- er Dietmar Harmann. 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