
ALSO AVAILABLE 2020 NEW RELEASES 19 Trawniki Guards Foot Soldiers of the Holocaust Josh Baldwin Exploration of the men responsible for the deaths of roughly one in four of all Holocaust victims Covers many aspects of these men: who they were, what they did, what happened to them Learn what John Demjanjuk, subject of the Neflix series The Devil Next Door , did before the war. Discover the fate of Ivan Marchenko, who operated the gas chamber at Treblinka. This is a study of some of the rank-and-file men, the foot soldiers, who carried out the “Final Solution.” The Trawniki concentration camp in Poland was used by the SS to train more than 5,000 men in the execution of mass murder. Of these 5,000, most were eastern Europeans recruited from POW camps, including a large Ukrainian contingent. “Trawnikis” were distributed throughout the concentration camp system, with particular prominence in the extermination camps of Aktion Reinhard. Trawnikis formed the firing squads during Ghetto liquidations, operated gas chambers, and carried out various other violent tasks deemed burdensome by German planners. This book will explore who these men were, and give a face to those faceless enforcers of the Holocaust. Josh Baldwin received a BS in criminal justice from California State University of Los Angeles. Studying history has been a passion for him for nearly 20 years. He focuses on the Holocaust, WWII, and the Cold War. Size: 6" x 9" Pages: 192 Price: $29.99 Illustrations: 90 b/w photos Binding: hard cover ISBN: 978-0-7643-6069-5 AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER UKRAINIANS IN THE WAFFEN-SS 978-0-7643-3349-1 $29.99 | 128 pp. 6" x 9" | HC THE CRUEL HUNTERS 978-0-7643-0483-5 $35.00 | 336 pp. 6" x 9" | HC SEE PAGE 76 FOR RELATED TITLES