
INDEX 112 JG 3 51 JG 5 51 JG 7 51 JG 53 51 JG-54 51 JG 301/302 51 KG 51 51 KG 53 51 Legion Condor 51 Messerschmitt Bf 110 52 Nach-schlachtgruppe 7 51 Schnelkampf-geschwander 210 51 Zerstorergruppe 51 US 26th Infantry Regiment 69 US aces, WWII 34 USAF 40 history 44 USAF Weapons School 41 US Airborne 17th Division 70 82nd Division 70 101st Division 70 Pathfinders 91 US Air Force 42 20th Special Operations Squadron 40 Reserve 42 uniforms 88 US Armed Forces desert uniforms 90 , 91 US Army 8th Army Air Force 35 781st Tank Battalion, WWII 70 Air Forces, WWII 33 armored units 69 aviation 45 headgear 89 Olympic equestrian competitions 69 Rangers 70 , 91 special forces 90 Twin Beeches 41 WWI 89 US Marine Corps 90 aircraft 30 , 45 American Legation 69 emblems 89 Iraq 71 Parachute Units, uniforms, WWII 91 US Marine PBJ Mitchell Squadrons (B25), WWII 38 US Medal of Honor 37 , 42 , 70 , 71 US Military pocket knives 97 , 98 US Navy 59 1910-1918 30 aircraft 30 , 33 , 42 , 45 aviation 43 , 45 , 58 Fighter Weapons School 6 flight officers, WWI 30 helicopter patches 88 medals 90 , 92 submarines 59 uniforms 89 WWI 30 US Navy & Marine Aviation 30 , 88 US Sea Services 59 recipients of Soviet military medals 92 USS Enterprise (CV-6) 13 USS Hornet (CV-8) 58 USS Iowa (BB-61) 58 USS Lexington (CV/CVA-16) 58 USS Missouri (BB-63) 58 USS New Jersey (BB-62) 58 USS New York (BB-34) 58 USS Nimitz (CVN-68) 59 USS North Carolina (BB-55) 58 USS Tennessee (BB-43) 58 USS United States 46 USS Wisconsin (BB-64) 12 USS Yorktown (CV-5) 58 US XX Bomber Command, India and China 31 V V-1, rocket 56 V-2, rocket 56 V-1710 engine 32 Valkyries 84 Vandenberg AFB 47 VB/VPB-109 Navy Bombing Squadron, WWII 37 Vega Ventura 34 vertical flight 44 vertical takeoff fighter aircraft 56 veterans WWII 71 VF-17, WWII 38 Viet Cong 71 , 92 Viet Cong, weapons & field gear 92 Vietnam 40 , 42 , 44 , 45 , 48 , 70 , 88 , 91 , 92 visor caps, German, WWII 84 VMF-323, WWII 38 VNAF 48 Volksdeutschen 71 Volkswagen, Beetle 105 Bus 105 cars 104 Iltis 64 Kübelwagen type 63 von Bock, Generalfeldmarschall Fedor 72 Von Richthofen, Baroness 49 Vought F4U 31 Vought, F7U Cutlass 42 F-8 Crusader 42 V./(Z)LG 1 - I./NJG 3 51 W Waffen-SS 72 , 75 , 76 3rd Waffen-SS Panzer Division “Totenkopf” 75 6th, Gebirgs (Mountain) Division “Nord” 75 8th, Cavalry Division “Florian Geyer” 75 14th Grenadier Division 76 17th Waffen-SS Panzergrenadier Division “Götz von Berlichingen” 75 Belgians in 76 camouflage uniforms 85 commanders 78 Estonians in 76 French units 76 grenadier divisions 75 , 77 Handschar Division 75 insignia 84 Knights 72 Latvians in 76 mountain troops 77 Ordnungspolizei 71 Panzer Divisions 75 Panzergrenadier Divisions 76 Russians in 76 Tiger Crews at Kursk 20 Ukrainians in 76 Walther P.38 99 war booty, German, WWII 86 Warsaw ghetto 74 Warthog 40 Waterhouse, Col. Charles 15 waterstones 98 Watson’s Whizzers 32 Weapons of Mass Destruction 46 , 47 Wehrmachthelferinnenkorps, WWII 84 Wehrmacht, WWII 50 , 52 , 63 , 64 , 66 , 69 , 72 , 74 , 76 , 77 , 78 , 79 , 84 , 87 Weidinger, Otto 73 Wert, J. Howard 80 Western Front 83 , 84 White Sands Proving Grounds 46 Whitney Navy revolver 100 Wick, Helmut 50 Wilm, Leo 73 Winchester 100 Winnerl, Rudolf 72 Wisch, Theodor 73 Wittmann, Michael 72 Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC) 91 “Wooden Wonder” 39 Woods, MSgt. John C. 70 wound badges, German 87 wristwatches 93 WWI 69 aviation 29 baseball 69 immigrant doughboys 69 journalism 69 X XB-70 Valkyrie 44 XF8B-1 fighter 34 X-planes 56 Y Yamamoto 31 Yellowstone Wagon Road 80 YF-17 Cobra 42 Yom Kippur War 48 Z Zeppelin, WWI 49 Zerstörergeschwader 1 Wespengeschwader 51 Zerstörergruppe 51 Zippo lighters 89 Zündapp KS601 motorcycle 63