66 VEHICLES & ARTILLERY AMERICAN American Breechloading Mobile Artillery 1875-1953:AnIllustratedIdentificationGuide GlenM.Willifordwith Thomas D. Batha. This is the first comprehensive informational guide toAmerican fieldartillery. It presents key technical, historical, and appearance information on all the types of mobile (wheeled or towed), breechloading guns used in American service from after the Civil War through theKoreanWar. It shouldproveauseful reference to anyoneinterestedinthetechnologyofmodernartillery. Size: 8.5” x 11” • 257 b/w photos • 232pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-5049-8 • hard cover • $49.99 Harley-Davidson WLA: The Main US Military Motorcycle of World War II Robert S. Kim. The story of a legend in the history of Harley-Davidson, the WLA, used byAllied forces duringWWII, is told for the first time. It is known today as the“Liberator”; discover thehistory of howdifferentAllied forces used themodel and the stories of the units who rode it to war. Size: 9” × 9” • 139 photos • 112pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-5924-8•hard cover •$19.99 M3A1 Scout Car: The US Cavalry’s Primary ReconnaissanceVehicle inWorldWar II David Doyle. TheM3A1Scout Car,producedbyWhiteMotor Companyof Cleveland,Ohio,servedas theUSCavalry’s primary scoutingand reconnaissancevehicleduring the earlydaysof theUSentry intoWWII.Throughdozensof archival photos, includingpreviouslyunpublished images, aswell asdetailsof someof thefinest existingexamples, this iconic vehicle is exploredand its history is explained. Size: 9” × 9” • over 200 photos • 112pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-5661-2 • hard • $19.99 The Jeep: History of a World War II Legend David Dalet and Christophe Le Bitoux. Nearly 200 high-quality color, and WWII era photos show the Jeep in its many uses, and up-close, detailed images show the differences between variant types. This book is a concise reference for the Jeep enthusiast, historian and restorer. Size: 9”x12” • 196 color photos • 80pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-4460-2 • hard • $29.99 Humvee:America’sMilitaryWorkhorse Christian M. DeJohn. This is a concise look at the background, development, and operational history of the Humvee from the 1970s to the present. Since the mid-1980s, theAmerican High Mobility MilitaryWheeledVehicle (HMMWV,orHumvee)hasbecomesynonymouswiththe USmilitary. Inserviceall around theworld for decades, it remains—IraqWar controversiesnotwithstanding—the world standard in light military tactical vehicles. Size: 9” × 9” • 236 photos • 128pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-5956-9 • hard • $19.99 USArmyCombatEngineerVehicles: 1980tothe Present Jeffrey DeRosa. Includes the M728 Combat Engineer Vehicle;Armored Vehicle Launched Bridge; M9Armored Combat Earthmover; M9ACE and M60 AVLB; M1132 Stryker Engineer Squad Vehicle; M2 Bradley, Wolverine, and Assault Breaching Vehicle; and Grizzly and Panther 2, as well as experimental and limited-use vehicles. Size: 8.5”x11” • Over 270 photos • 192pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-6279-8 • hard • $39.99 Ford M8 and M20: The US Army’s Standard ArmoredCarofWWII. DavidDoyle. Throughdozens of large,clear photos,explore this fast-moving reconnais- sance vehicle, which was capable of knocking out the contemporaneous tanksof itsenemies;theM8Armored Carand its sibling,theM20ArmoredUtilityVehicles,were the most widely used armored vehicles built by Ford. Size: 9” × 9” • 216 photos • 128pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-6143-2 • hard • $19.99 TheGMCDUKW: America’sAmphibiousDuck inWorldWar II andKorea. DavidDoyle.TheGeneral MotorsCorporationDUKWwaswithoutadoubt themost successful amphibiousmilitary vehicle ever constructed. This book chronicles the development anduse of these vehicles from concept to combat inWWII and Korea. Size: 9” × 9” • 248 photos • 128pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-6091-6 • hard • $24.99 LVT(4) Amtrac: The Most Widely Used Am- phibious Tractor of World War II. David Doyle. Originally developed as a swamp rescue vehicle by millionaire philanthropists Donald and John Roebling, the LVT (LandingVehicle,Tracked), or “Alligator,”was widely used in theAllied island-hopping campaign in the Pacific duringWorldWar II. Size: 9” × 9” • 264 photos • 112pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-6010-7 • hard • $19.99 M2/M3 Bradley: America’s Cavalry/Infantry Fighting Vehicle Christian M. DeJohn. Since the 1980s, the American M2/M3 Bradley has overcome its controversial debut, and is now regarded as among the finest cavalry/infantry fighting vehicles in the world. This book is a concise look at the background, development, and Army operational history of the Bradley from the 1980s to the present. Size: 9”×9”•200 color andb/wphotos •112pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-5588-2 • hard cover • $19.99 M40GunMotor Carriage andM43Howitzer Motor Carriage in WWII and Korea David Doyle. The M40 Gun Motor Carriage and M43 Howitzer Motor Carriage are featured in over 200 photographs, providing a detailed study of the conception, development, testing, and combat use of these key vehicles. Size: 9”x9” • 209 photos • 112pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-5402-1 • hard • $19.99 M18 Hell-Cat: 76 mm Gun Motor Carriage in WorldWar II David Doyle. Powered by a mammoth aircraft-type engine and mounting a high-velocity 76 mm gun, the M18 was developed to halt the advance of enemy tanks through aggressive hit-and- run tactics. These vehicles, though lightly armored, were mechanically sound and were effective against even the heaviest enemy tanks in WWII. Size: 9”x9” • 160 photos • 112pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-5957-6 • hard • $19.99 Stuart Tank, Vol.1: The M3, M3A1, and M3A3 Versions in World War II David Doyle. The Stuart light tanks were the first tanks taken into combat by US troops during WWII. Production of these vehicles can be broken into two categories: the early tanks powered by air-cooled radial engines, and late versions powered by twin V-8 engines. This volume explores the early, air-cooled vehicles, the M3, M3A1, and M3A3. Size: 9”×9”•184 color andb/wphotos •112pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-5660-5 • hard • $19.99 Stuart Tank, Vol. 2: TheM5,M5A1, andHowit- zerMotor CarriageM8Versions inWorldWar II DavidDoyle.The Stuart light tankswere the first tanks taken intocombat byUS troops duringWWII.Production of these vehicles can be broken into two categories: the early tankspoweredbyair-cooled radial engines,and late vehiclespoweredby twinV-8engines.Thisvolumeexplores the late vehicleswithCadillacwater-cooled engines, the M5andM5A1,aswell as theM8HowitzerMotorCarriage. Size: 9”×9”•140 color andb/wphotos •112pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-5823-4 • hard • $19.99 M24 Chaffee, Vol. 1: American Light Tank in WorldWar II, Korea, and Vietnam David Doyle. The M24 Chaffee was the finest light tank developed by the US duringWWII. This tank was developed by Cadillac,which,alongwithfarmequipmentmanufacturer Massey-Harris,produced the vehicles.These tankswere usedby theUSduringWWII andKoreaand,during the post-WWII era,weresuppliedtonumerousalliednations. This book chronicles the development and use of the vehicle from concept to combat. Size: 9” × 9” • 166 photos • 112pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-5859-3 • hard • $19.99 M24 Chaffee, Vol. 2: Chaffee-Based Vehicle Variants in theKoreanWar DavidDoyle. Basedon theM24Chaffee,an extensive series of combat vehicles were developed duringWWII.While the fighting in that warwasover by the time these formidablemachineshad left the assembly line, theywould seewidespread use a few years later when war broke out in Korea.This book chronicles the development and use of these vehicles from concept to combat. Size: 9” × 9” • 204 photos • 112pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-5970-5 • hard • $19.99 VEHICLES & ARTILLERY . ......................................................66 American..........................................................................66 SOVIET/RUSSIAN............................................................67 REST OF THE WORLD. ....................................................67 German.............................................................................68 Artillery & Flak........................................................................... 68 Light Vehicles. ............................................................................ 69 Light Armored Vehicles.............................................................. 70 Tank Destroyers & Self-Propelled Guns................................... 71 Tanks........................................................................................... 71 Trains.......................................................................................... 73 Captured Vehicles....................................................................... 74 Other. .......................................................................................... 74 Equipment........................................................................74 GROUND VEHICLES AND ARTILLERY BACKLIST 66