INDEX 112 close combat clasps, German 92 clothing, flying 93 Cobra 35 cockpits, German 62 code, Luftwaffe 54 tail 49 , 56 , 61 Cold War 47 color schemes, aircraft 49 , 56 Colt M1911 .45 103 combat engineers, German, WWII 74 , 86 combat engineer vehicles 66 combat fatigues, Vietnam 96 combat knives 101 Commercial Aviation 51 concentration camps 74 , 90 Confederacy, suppliers 75 Consolidated B-24 35 B-32 Dominator 35 Constellation, Lockheed 51 Convair B-58 Hustler 47 Convair B-36 Peacemaker 47 B-58 Hustler 47 F-102 Delta Dagger 45 Coolidge-Dawes Lincoln Tour 109 Cooper, D. B. 50 Corsair 34 , 37 Corvette 109 Cossack units, 3rd Reich 91 C-planes, C-130 Hercules C-5 Galaxy 47 C-135 series 47 crashes 46 , 109 Cremer, Peter 64 Crimean War 96 , 98 Curtiss SB2C Helldiver 37 Curtiss fighter aircraft 33 , 34 Hydroaeroplane 33 X-Planes 50 Custer, George A. 76 Czarist Russian uniforms 97 Czechoslovak armored cars, WWI 67 Czechoslovak armored fighting vehicles, WWII 67 D daggers 101 Damascus steel 102 Damon Runyon 76 Dassault Mirage 52 , 53 DC-3/C-47 35 DC-10/MD-11 50 D-Day 81 Debden Warbirds 39 Decher, Siegfried 13 Defense respirators 94 de Havilland Mosquito 42 Deng Xiao Ping 98 desert uniforms US Armed Forces 95 DFS 228 59 dive-bomber 34 divers, German combat 65 DKW (Dampf-Kraft-Wagen) 108 dogs 78 Doolittle, Jimmy 34 , 37 , 38 , 44 Doolittle Raid 34 , 37 , 38 , 44 Dornier, Do 17 46 Do 23 57 Do-215 “the Flying Pencil” 57 Do 335 57 Do X 56 doughboys 77 baseball 76 Douglas 43 A-1 Skyraider 43 A-20 Havoc 35 AD and A-1 Skyraider 43 SBD Dauntless 34 TBD Devastator 34 XB-19 34 draft, 1972 79 Dragonfly 59 Dreamliner, 787 50 Drilling, the 104 Dyess Air Force Base 48 E E-8 JSTARS 44 EA-18G Growler 46 “Easy” Boys, the 43 edged weaponry 100 Edwards Air Force Base 49 Einsatzkommandos 74 Elgin trench watches, WWI 98 Ellsworth Air Force Base 49 Emmermann, Carl 64 engineering victory 77 Erprobungsgruppe 210 56 escape devices 97 experimental designs, German 59 , 61 F F4U 34 F6F Hellcat 34 F9F-6, 6-P flight handbook 45 F-14 Tomcat 44 F-86D flight handbook 45 F-111 Aardvark 45 F/A-18E/F Super Hornet 46 F/A-18 Hornet 46 Fairbairn-Sykes fighting knife 101 Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II 44 Fairwing-Brazil 37 Fallschirmjäger 80 , 84 , 86 , 90 , 92 Fallschirmtruppe weapons, WWII 74 Feldgrau 88 Ferdinand Porsche 18 Ferrer-Dalmau, Augusto 106 Fh 104/Si 204 59 Fieseler Fi 103R 61 Fi 156 Storch 57 Fifth Field, The 78 fighter aces 37 Fighter Groups, 13th 40 14th 40 15th 40 49th 40 56th 40 79th 40 348th 40 350th 40 354th 40 355th 40 356th 40 361st 40 363rd 40 365th 40 370th 40 421st 40 449th 40 475th 40 479th 40 fighter pilot, WWII 36 , 37 fighters, German, WWII 55 fighters, US, WWII 35 , 46 , 49 firearms 92 Colt M1911 .45 103 handguns 102 M1 Garand 103 Firearms and Tackle Memorabilia 104 Fl 282 61 flak, artillery 68 guns, German, WWII 68 flamethrowers, German 78 troops 99 WWI 88 WWII 78 flash, military 100 Flettner Fl 282 61 Flight 305 50 flight jackets, American 92 , 93 flight simulators 48 Florida 76 flying boat 51 Flying Boat, Do X 56 Flying Fortress 35 flying, gear 93 models 86 Flying Pencil, Do 17-215 57 Flying Tigers 38 Flying Wing 44 Focke-Wulf Fw 57 , 61 Fokker Dr. 1 53 Ford M8 and M20 66 Ford Tri-Motor 33 vehicles 70 Formula One race cars 108 France 79 fraternal groups, American 100 Frederick, General Tryon 78 Frederick the Great 87 French, aircraft 49 , 53 resistance 78 tanks 74 uniforms 87 , 99 French aircraft, pre-1916 32 French Foreign Legion 98 Frontier Airlines 51 Frontier Army 76 Fubuki-Class Destroyers 65 Fuchs, Otto 53 G Galicia Division 84 Galland, Adolf 54 Gau decorations 91 General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark 45 General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark 45 George Air Force Base 44 Georgia military bases 99 German artillery 71 guns 103 Panzer forces 81 soldiers, WWII 86 U-boat aces 64 German, 88 gun, WWII 61 aces 53 , 54 aircraft 59 , 62 artillery 68 aviation, WWI 54 aviators 53 bombers 61 cockpits 62 Eagles 53 fighter units 56 German navy 64 guided missiles 60 heavy flak units 61 paper soldiers 106 paratroopers, WWII 82 twin-engine bombers 61 U-boats 64 , 65 uniforms 85 , 86 , 87 , 88 , 89 , 91 , 92 WWII 54 , 59 German aces 53 German handguns, rare 103 Gettysburg 76 ghosts, Civil War 76 WWII 99 GI Joe toys 107 gliders, German, WWII 61 US 36 Globocnik, Odilo 83 GMC DUKW 66 Gneisenau, battleship 64 , 65 Gooney Bird 35 Göring, Hermann 86 Gotha P.60 59 Götz von Berlichingen 83 Graf, Hermann 79 Graf Zeppelin 65 gravity knife 101 “Grease Gun” 103 “Great War,” the 32 , 77 , 98 Green elephant 69 Green, Herschel 37 Green Hornets 44 ground forces 67 , 69 , 71 , 74 , 77 , 78 , 79 , 80 , 82 , 84 , 85 , 86 Grumman 46 A-6 Intruder 46 Albatross 43 F6F Hellcat 34 F-14 Tomcat 44 , 46 Night Fighter 43 TBF/TBM Avenger 37 Grumman J2F Duck 34 guided missiles 60 Guide to Knife & Ax Throwing throwing 101 Gulaschkanone, German field kitchen 86 Gulf War 52 gunmaking 104 gunstocks, making 104 G-Wagon 108 H Haberline, Klaus 54 Hager, Erich 81 half-tracks 70
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