INDEX 110 TRAINS • OTHER Baldwin Locomotives 100s of detailed etchings and diagrams of this illustrious firm’s locomotives, completewithdetailed descriptions of the locomotives, parts, and constructiondirect fromthe company that produced them. Founded inPhiladelphia in 1831, the Baldwin LocomotiveWorks was known for their 2-8-2Mikado locomotives, along with many unique designs built in small numbers. Size: 11"x8.5" • Over 200 images • 328pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-3376-7 • hard • $39.99 Train Wrecks: A Pictorial History of Accidents on the Main Line Robert Reed. American railroad history is filled with accounts of misadventure. Steam boilers blew up. Bridges collapsed under the weight of heavy engines. Locomotives crashed head-on because of signal failures. Passenger cars derailed, often with dire results. Size: 8.5"x11" • 298 bw photos • 184pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-0136-0 • soft • $19.99 Fast Trains Worldwide Thomas Estler. The quest for greater speed is almost as old as the railroad itself. In the 19th and in the first half of the 20th centuries, notable things were being done under the slogan “Speed is the key." This book outlines the history of high speed locomo- tives, frommore than 20 countries representing Europe, Asia, Australia, and is essential for the train and railway aficionado. Size: 8.5"x11" • 151 color photos • 144pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-4447-3 • hard • $29.99 OTHER Stagecoach: Rare Views of the Old West, 1849-1915 Sandor Dem- linger. Vintage photographs explore stagecoaches, the horse drawn wagons, the towns, and the frontier people with first-person narratives. Size:11"x8.5"•283historicphotos•176pp. ISBN: 0-7643-2124-2 • soft • $24.95 Symbols 1. Kompanie LSSAH 83 1st Air Commandos, WWII 40 1st Air Division, WWII 38 1st Battalion LSSAH 83 1st Combat Bomb Wing 39 1st Fallschirmjäger Division 86 1st Panzer Division 83 , 85 2nd Air Division, WWII 38 3. Kompanie 1st Panzergrenadier Regiment 1st SS Panzer Division LAH 83 3rd Air Division, WWII 38 3rd Fallschirmjäger Regiment 86 4th Fighter Group WWII 40 4th Fighter Group, WWII 39 4th Fighter Wing, Korea 43 4th Maryland Light Artillery Battery 75 4th SS Panzer-Grenadier Regiment der Führer 83 4th Waffen-SS Panzergrenadier Division “Polizei” 83 5th Air Force, WWII 38 6th Army, German 82 7. Panzerkompanie 1. SS-Panzer Di- vision “Leibstandarte” 83 7th Bombardment Group, WWII 39 7th Panzer Division 85 7th Waffen SS Volunteer Grenadier Division Langemarck 83 8th Air Force, WWII 36 , 38 , 39 8th Fighter Group, WWII 40 9th Air Force 40 , 41 10th Air Force 38 10th SS-Panzer-Division “Frunds- berg” 84 11th SS-Freiwilligen-Panzer-Grena- dier-Division “Nordland” 84 12th SS Panzer Division “Hitler Youth” 83 “HJ” 84 13th Air Force Night Fighters WWII 38 13th Fighter Command WWII 40 14th (King’s) Hussars 97 15th Fighter Group WWII 40 17th Aero Squadron WWI 33 20th Special Operations Squadron 44 23rd Waffen-SS Volunteer Panzer 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, Normandy 78 513th Parachute Infantry Regiment, F Company 78 622 Squadron, RAF, WWII 42 781st Tank Battalion, WWII 78 A A-1 Skyraider 43 A-6 Intruder 46 A-7 Corsair II 46 A-10 Thunderbolt II 44 , 46 A-20 Havoc 35 A300/310 50 Abilene, Texas, Dyess Air Force Base 48 aces, American 32 , 37 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 German 53 , 54 , 55 , 56 , 61 Italian 32 Soviet 42 Vietnamese 53 Ackermann Military Prints 96 AD and A-1 Skyraider 43 Admiral Graf Spee, battleship 65 admirals, Japanese 65 , 98 aerial, armament WWII 35 engagements 1981–present 46 firefighting 51 fueling 47 aero squadrons 33 Afghanistan, war 79 Soviet-Afghan War 97 Africa, WWII 36 , 37 , 39 , 40 , 42 , 54 , 55 , 78 , 81 , 82 , 85 , 88 , 94 , 101 , 103 , 105 Afrikakorps, WWII 81 , 85 , 88 AH-1 Cobra 43 Air America 43 airborne weapons 50 Airbus A300/310 50 Air Combat Command 48 aircraft carriers S ō ry ū , Hiry ū , Unry ū -Class 65 aircraft, storage 51 Air Force airplanes 49 Air Force One 50 airlines 51 Frontier 51 Republic 51 air piracy 50 air racing 34 airships 53 air shows 51 Airstream 108 , 109 Alamo, uniforms 94 Albatross 43 Grenadier Division Neder- land 83 24. Waffen-Gebirgs (Karstjäger)-Di- vision 84 25th Bomb Group, WWII 39 27th Air Transport Group, WWII 41 29th Infantry 78 29th Infantry Division, 1917-2001 78 29th Waffen-SS Grenadier Division “Italienische Nr. 1” 83 32nd SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Divi- sion “30.Januar” 84 36th Bomb Squadron, WWII 39 44th Bomb Group, WWII 39 49th Fighter Group, WWII 40 56th Fighter Group, WWII 40 79th Fighter Group, WWII 40 82nd Airborne 77 , 78 94th Aero Squadron, WWI 33 95th Aero Squadron, WWI 33 100th Bomb Group, WWII 39 101st Airborne, Iraq 79 Normandy 78 147th Aero Squadron WWII 33 151st Machine Gun Battalion 42nd Rainbow Division WWI 77 155 mm Gun M1 17 305th Bomb Group, WWII 39 307th Bomb Wing 48 308th Bomb Group, WWII 39 332nd Infantry Regiment, WWII 77 345th Bomb Group, WWII 39 348th Fighter Group, WWII 40 350th Fighter Group, WWII 40 354th Fighter Group, WWII 40 355th Fighter Group, WWII 40 356th Fighter Group, WWII 40 361st Fighter Group, WWII 40 363rd Fighter Group, WWII 40 365th Fighter Squadron, WWII 40 370th Fighter Group, WWII 40 388th Tactical Fighter Wing 45 389th Bomb Group, WWII 39 421st Night Fighter Squadron, WWII 40 448th Bomb Group, WWII 39 449th Fighter Squadron, WWII 40 451st Bomb Group, WWII 39 458th Bomb Group, WWII 39 464th Bomb Group, WWII 39 467th Bombardment Group, WWII 39 475th Fighter Group, WWII 40 479th Fighter Group, WWII 40 501st Heavy SS Tank Battalion 82 , 83