
142 | INDEX M macramé 86 Maine 24 Malak, Michael 108 male figure 56 mallards 127 Maloof, Sam 71 Mana Public Arts 5 Manhattan luxury residences 54 Manhigh Project 135 mannequins 86 mantels 74 , 81 , 83 Marcy, Mary E. 63 Maricevic, Vivienne 54 marijuana 23 Mark Candelaria 68 Markusson, Sigthor 54 Martha’s Vineyard historic architecture 68 Masons 71 , 73 mass timber 19 , 39 Master Builders 73 McDonnell-Douglas DC-10/MD-11 133 McLaren 45 mead 122 Meadowlands, the 55 , 127 Meatpacking District 51 medical photography 55 Mediterranean architecture 72 men’s watches 95 menswear 20 mental health 60 Mercedes-Benz 86 Mercedes-Benz, 190SL supercars 134 Mesozoic fossils 127 metalwork 59 Meteorites 129 Mexican gardens 76 interior design 83 silver 92 silver jewelry 92 Mexico 53 mezzotint 62 Miami architecture 73 Miami, FL 53 artists 59 mica group 128 Michael Kahn 24 Mid-Atlantic artists 58 midcentury design 60 Midwest artists 58 military uniforms 100 , 101 minerals 127 , 128 silicates 128 Miriam Haskell jewelry 89 mission architecture 73 Mississippi Valley architec- ture 75 mobile homes 131 , 132 model rockets 15 Monet jewelry 89 monoprints 63 Morris Park Crew graffiti 106 mosaics 85 Moto Guzzi, motorcycles 134 motorcycle jackets 101 motorcycles Honda 134 Mount Lebanon, MA 75 mourning jewelry 94 Movado watches 96 movie posters, alternative 104 murals 61 , 106 murders Kennett Square, PA 125 Murray Dewart 63 music 107 Cream 107 heavy metal 106 marching bands 132 N Nabuco, Joaquim 54 NASA 135 space shuttle 135 Nashville music 107 Native American jewelry 91 natural design 80 natural history 128 nature photography Techniques 56 Naugatuck River valley 52 Navajo jewelry designs 92 Nazi art theft 61 neckties 98 Neon Art 62 newbrow art 110 New England architecture 75 artists 58 arts & crafts 125 birds 56 landscapes 61 Old New England homes 73 New Jersey birds 55 , 127 lighthouses 73 parks 78 New Orleans, LA, architec- ture 75 New Orleans, Louisiana 75 New School tattoo art 115 New York 54 boats 32 Broadway 12 calligraphers 58 Fashion Week 86 Fire Department 36 graffiti 105 Hamptons 54 landscape architecture 77 photographers 51 tattoo 112 New York City doors 74 Norrell, Christopher 114 North Carolina Outer Banks 102 Norway 60 Notre-Dame de Paris 38 nuclear weapons 53 nudes, photography 54 nursery design 81 O Oaxaca doors 72 Ocean Grove, NJ, architec- ture 74 office design 84 Old School tattoo art 113 Olmsted parks 78 Omega watches 96 orchids 76 Oregon tattoos 113 origami 65 Ortner, Jon 54 outdoor carpentry 79 Outdoor Rooms 79 outsider art 59 owls great horned 126 small mountain 127 P Pacific Northwest logging 139 Pacific Northwest, aviation history 133 painters, contemporary, general 57 paint schemes aviation 133 Paleozoic fossils 128 Palmer, Walter Launt 62 Palm Springs, CA, architec- ture 75 Pan American World Air- ways 133 paper folding 65 paper textures 66 paranormal phenomena 125 , 136 , 137 Parrish, Maxfield 63 passive solar 69 Patania Jewelry 88 Patek Philippe 95 patios 76 , 77 , 78 , 80 patriotic jewelry 92 Paul Gerrard 104 pavers 77 Pawnee Bill 124 Pawnee Bill, photography 55 pearls 91 peep machine pin-ups 108 Peldo, Meg Spielman 53 Pellico, Silvio 114 Pennsylvania architecture 66 , 74 artists 58 gardening 78 permanent makeup 115 pets 36 paranormal 137 petscaping 77 , 126 Phillips, Jim 110 photography 56 bird 126 botanical 76 contemporary art 51 documentary 51 , 54 figures 54 historic art 55 Japan 53 landscape 52 nature 35 , 52 , 55 New Orleans 75 night sky 56 pin-up 108 portraiture 52 , 53 , 123 roller derby 56 seascapes 35 , 54 sports 56 underwater 55 wildlife 55 Pidcock, Stephen W. 55 piercing 112 pinball art 110 pin-ups 42 , 107 illustrated 108 photography 108 zombies 108 planters 79 plastic jewelry 94 plastics 93 playhouses 78 plein air painting 58 Pochoir prints 99 political posters 5 polymer jewelry 90 , 91 Polynesian tattoos 113 Pools 80 Pop Art & Artists 109 Porsche 134 post-apocalyptic movies 14 Poster Art 111 posters Broadway 12 film 41 political 5 WWII 111 presidential aircraft 133 Presidents, US 125 print design 86 printmaking mezzotint 62 Printmaking 62 Project Apollo 135 Project Gemini 135 Project Manhigh 135 Project Mercury 135 Provincetown Artist Colony 61 Provincetown, MA 52 Pueblo jewelry designs 92 punk 106 Purses 97 pyroxene group 129 Q quadricycles 135 quartz 128 Queens graffiti 105 Qureshi, Asad 123 R radio amateur 131 radioactive minerals 129 Rajs, Jessica 108 record covers 110 recording studio design 84 redwood 139 Reed, Marjorie 61 regional artists Boston 58 Cape Cod 59 Northwest 58 representational painters 56 reptiles 131 in art 58 Republic Airlines 133 restaurant design 81 retablos 59 retaining walls 78 rhinestone jewelry 94 rhythm & blues 107 Rice, Lilian J., architect 71 Rickey, George 63 Robert Alvarado 42 , 170 Robinson, Herb 53 rocket and missile launches 135 Rolex watches 94 , 95 roller coasters 131 rollercoasters 51 roller derby 56 , 115 Roman Bronze works 64 Rosaries 94 Roth II, Emery 52 Rufus Porter School 61 ruin porn 51 Russian prison tattoos 113 watches 96 Rutkowski, Mark 59 RVs 131 Ryman setter 126 S Sacks, David 54 sailing 135 photography 56 Sailor Jerry Collins 115 Saint Hildegard 27 Sal-E 52 Samoa tattoos 113 San Antonio, TX 59 architecture 75 San Francisco, CA, architec- ture 75 San Miguel de Allende, Mexico architecture 53 , 72 Santiago, Chile, street art 106 Sarah Coventry jewelry 88 Saturn V 135 Savannah, GA, architecture 75 Schlumpf automotive collec- tion 134 schooner yachts 135 sculpture art deco 64 British 63 bronze 64 concrete 79 contemporary 63 historic 64 kinetic 64 metal 64 Sculthorpe, Peter 56 seafood, recipes 121 sea glass 34 Sears homes 71 Seattle, aviation history 133 self-taught art 59 sewing 99 Seymore, Andréanna 56 SFP LookBook, the 86 Shaker ghosts 137 village 75 shawls 97 shingle-style architecture 68 shipwrecks 46 Shoes 98 shorebirds 126 Showhouses 84 Shultz Bakelite jewelry 94 shutters 70 Sideshows 124 silicate crystals 129 silk 60 silver jewelry 92 Simko, Joe 111 Simpson, Josh 57 skateboarding 110 skean 124 sky gardens 77 slate roofs 70 Smith, Kevin 104 Smith, R. G. , art 133 smudge sticks 26 sneakers 98 solar energy 69 soldier-artists 60 soldiers 54 songbirds 126 Song of the Broad-Axe 63 South African graffiti 106 South Carolina birds 126 South Carolina birds 55 Southern artists 58 Southwest 91 Soviet space program 135 space race 135 space shuttle 135 Spanish architecture 72 Spanish garden design 78 Spanish Revival architec- ture 72 spas 79 Specialty Room Design 84 spices 119 Spitalnik, Lloyd 56 Sports Photography 56 sports watches 96 Spratling, William 92 Squarzi, Alessandro 20 SS United States 135 stagecoaches 124 stairway design 70 stamps 60 midcentury design 60 Picasso 61 Star Wars 104 state capitols 52 , 67 stationery art 62 St. Clair, Leonard “Stoney” 115 steampunk fashion 85 Steamtown 53 Stein, Harvey 52 stencil graffiti 106 Stetson hats 98 Stizzo 114 stonework 77 strange cinema 104 Street Art 105