
INDEX | 141 dogs collectibles 64 domestic architecture 56 , 69 , 74 , 75 Don1 105 doorways 70 , 72 , 74 dormers 70 Douglas DC-9 133 Dreamliner, 787 133 driveways 70 , 76 , 77 drought 130 dry-stack walls 77 ducks 126 dune shacks 52 Dutch oven cooking 120 Dyer, Chris 110 dynamite 28 E eagles 127 earrings 89 contemporary jewelry 87 paper 91 East Hampton, New York 54 echinoids 127 edged weaponry 124 Edwardian fashion 99 Egyptian Revival jewelry 93 Elgin trench watches 95 Ellis, Chris Daze 105 Ellis, Will 51 Elowitz, Scott 56 Emmons jewelry 89 enameled jewelry 89 enameling 91 enamels 89 encaustic art 57 endangered languages 4 engagement rings 118 Engman, Robert 64 entertaining 7 Epidote group 128 Eric Holubow 51 erotica 63 , 65 Esherick, Wharton 63 , 124 espalier fruit trees 79 estate jewelry 89 European architecture 76 art 99 fashion 85 fashion collectibles 97 graffiti 105 hats 98 jewelry 89 , 94 Everett, Roger 55 EVPs 136 extraterrestrial zones 124 eyeglasses 96 eyewear 22 F Factor, Beverly 55 Fahrner jewelry 89 Fahrner, Theodor 89 fairies 136 fairy homes 43 fairy homes and gardens 79 farmers’ markets 120 fashion 1920s 99 art nouveau 99 children 99 , 100 men 98 Victorian 99 vintage 99 fashion accessories 86 Vintage 96 fashion design 85 , 86 Europe 85 pleating 86 fashion schools 85 F. Barbedienne 64 feed mills history of 138 feldspar group 128 felting jewelry 90 female tattoo artists 113 fences 79 Feng Shui 82 fetish style 13 fiber arts 60 ficticious locations 124 figurative painting 56 figures 54 Filipino tattoos 112 film art 14 , 41 , 104 films Halloween 104 firefighters 53 , 124 firehouse pets 36 fireplaces 79 Fisher, Harrison 63 fishing 129 , 130 flags 123 flamingos 79 flash, tattoo 113 classic flash, Japanese 114 flax 138 Fleetwood Mac 107 Flight 305 133 flight jackets 101 floral decor 7 floral jewelry 118 Florida architecture 73 flower arranging 118 flower art, Chinese 66 flower photography, tech- niques 56 fluorescent minerals 128 fluorite 128 flying boat 133 foliage textures 66 folklore and food 119 food Italian cuisine 120 food history 119 food sculpture 119 Forman, Fran 57 Formula 1 race cars 134 fossils 127 Foster, John 52 found object art 63 Frank, Arthur 56 Fraser, Scott 58 fraternal organizations 123 Frédérique Constant SA, Alpina, deMona- co 95 Fred Harvey jewelry 91 French, Matt 111 Frontier Airlines 133 furniture design 38 G Gaelic Ireland 124 game room design 84 garage design, contempo- rary 67 Garcia, Marya 108 garden design 43 , 77 Garden Design 75 gardening, heritage 78 garden ornaments 79 gardens 75 , 77 garnet group 128 garnishing 119 Gartel, Lawrence 110 gates 72 , 79 gazebos 79 geese 126 Gehry, Frank 75 geisha 52 geisha photography 52 gems 129 General Motors women of 123 geometric ornament 65 geraniums 76 German architecture 72 Gerrard, Paul 104 ghostly phenomena 136 Gillingham, Deborah Pass- more 60 gingerbread architecture 73 , 75 Girard, Alexander 81 Giuliano, Celeste 108 Gladman, John 108 glass jewelry 87 tiles 85 Glenn Curtiss 30 , 31 Gothic architecture 73 graffiti 105 Baltimore 105 BLADE 105 Bronx 105 European 105 Miami 106 murals 106 NYC 106 Santiago, Chile 106 South Africa 106 subway 106 the Destiny Children 106 granite pegmatites 128 Grant, John Thomas 52 graphic art, fruit 60 graphic design 66 Great Lakes mining 139 Green Business 132 Greene, Pamela 51 green home design 68 green homes 69 Gus Wagner 43 Gutman, Bessie Pease 62 H Haga, Dan 54 hairstyles 123 Haiti, artist 59 half-timber architecture 72 hallmarks, jewelry, South- west 92 Halloween movies/film 104 Hancock, MA 75 handbags 86 , 97 handkerchiefs 97 Harden, John W. 114 hardscaping 77 decorative concrete 77 hillsides 78 Harley-Davidson motorcy- cles 134 Harriet Quimby 123 Harris, Sam Hyde 62 Harry Potter 124 Hathaway shirts 101 hatpins 98 Hats 98 Hattie Carnegie jewelry 88 Havana, Cuba 52 Hawaii Kaua‘i 102 Hawaiian shirts 100 heavy metal 10 , 106 heirloom seeds 78 helicopters 132 heraldic designs 66 herbal incense 26 herbalism 27 Herb Robinson 53 herbs 119 heritage gardening 78 Herkimer diamonds 128 Herman Miller interior design 81 Hibert, Oliver 104 , 110 historic art photography 55 historic houses 82 history women 25 women’s 123 holiday graphics 66 holidays & entertaining 118 hollowware, silver 94 Holocaust survivors 53 Holubow, Eric 51 home design contemporary 67 decor tips 82 treetops 67 home office design 70 , 84 home remodeling 125 home theater design 84 Honda motorcycles 134 honey wine 122 Hopi bird 91 jewelry 91 horology 95 horror 137 horse racing, photography 56 , 116 horticulture history 25 Hosking, Karen E. 51 houseboats 67 Howard, Justice 113 Hudson River boats 32 humor 105 hydrangeas 44 , 76 I igloos 68 Illinois watches 95 illustration art 62 Inadan 59 India 60 Indian art jewelry 92 Indochina tattoos 113 industrial design 65 , 123 women pioneers of 65 interior design 39 , 40 , 67 , 82 Iraq 54 Irene 99 irises 76 Iron Maiden 10 ironwork architecture 73 art nouveau 66 Italian architecture 68 , 72 jewelry 89 J Jackson, Patrick 54 Jackson, Robert C. 56 James Bond 104 Janes, Brian C. 109 Japan 53 Japanese kimono 101 tattoos 112 Japanese, admirals motorcycles 134 Japanese culture 105 Jensen, Georg 94 jewelers, contemporary 91 jewelry 87 Beads & Glass 87 Cameos 87 Charms 87 copper 93 Costume 87 Costume by Company 88 Enameled 89 ethnic 87 Mexican 92 modernist 93 narrative 87 Native American 91 paper 91 Patania 88 Patriotic 92 Period 93 Plastic & Bakelite 93 Rhinestones 94 Rosaries 94 Silver 94 Southwest 88 turquoise 92 Victorian Mourning 94 Vintage 89 Wood 94 Zuni 91 jewelry design 89 , 91 jewlery rendering 90 John Rogers statuary 64 John W. Harden 114 John Willie 13 JoJo Baby 52 Josh Simpson 57 Judaica 59 Juliana jewelry 88 K kachina jewelry 91 Kahn, Michael 24 kansuko 122 Karlson, Kevin 56 Kemp, Roy 109 Ken Cato 65 Kengo Kuma & Associates 17 Kenneth Jay Lane jewelry 89 Kevin Smith 104 kimono 40 kimono, textiles 101 kitchen design 83 Knifewing jewelry 91 knitting 98 KR ONE 110 Kuerner, Karl & Anna 61 Kuwait 54 L labels, clothing 66 Lacy, Sam 123 Ladakh 53 Lancaster County, Pennsyl- vania 75 landscape art 56 design 79 painting 58 Structure 78 landscape architecture New York 77 Washington, DC 77 landscape design 77 Lane, Kenneth Jay, jewelry 88 launches rockets and missiles 135 Laurel & Hardy 9 Lea Stein jewelry 89 LEDs 81 LEED certified 69 Legal 132 Lehans, Phillip Andrew 54 light cars 135 lighthouses 72 lighting design 81 lightships 72 Lincoln, Abraham 125 Lincoln Air Force Base 133 linen 138 lingerie 101 linguistics endangered languages 4 literature 124 Lockheed Constellation 133 P80/F80 133 Lockheed Constellation 29 logging 139 log houses 69 Lommasson, Jim 52 Long Island, NY fishing 129 Lord K2 106 Los Angeles, CA architecture 75 Louisville, KY, architecture 74 lowbrow art 110 lunar missions Soviet 135 luxury design 37