
140 | INDEX Index Symbols 007 104 1920s collectibles 99 1940s collectibles 99 1950s collectibles, fashion 100 1980s fabric references 101 A A300/310 132 abstract art 59 abstract artists 58 accessories design 85 Adams, John & Abigail 119 aerial firefighting 132 Afghanistan 52 Africa 54 graffiti 106 African American History 122 Aguilar, Hector 92 Airbus A300/310 132 aircraft, storage 133 Air Force One 133 airlines 133 Frontier 133 Republic 133 air piracy 133 air shows 133 Airstream 132 A. Lange Söhne watches 94 , 95 Alaska 121 Alessandro Squarzi 20 Alfa Romeo 45 , 134 Allen, Dick 123 Alpine huts 16 alternative energy 69 Alvarado, Robert 42 , 170 amber jewelry 87 American flag 58 American jewelry manufac- turers 92 American servicewomen 100 American theater design 81 American watches 95 Amish gardens 75 amphibians 131 amusement park 52 Andrade, Wendy 90 , 118 animal art 57 animals 105 , 125 , 130 , 136 Anthes, Gary 52 Appalachian musical instru- ments 107 apparel 101 aprons 96 , 97 Arbus, Amy 54 architectural details 69 architecture 67 accesory dwelling units 18 adaptive 66 alternative 66 artists' homes 67 , 75 arts & crafts 70 Asian-influenced 72 Baltimore 74 Brazilian 67 California 71 Catskills 73 civic 52 , 67 contemporary 67 , 68 Texas 67 domestic 68 for children 68 forever homes 68 green 68 historic 70 mass timber 19 , 39 Mexican 67 , 72 New Orleans 75 Palm Springs 67 Panama Canal Zone 72 Philadelphia 74 residential 68 restoration 38 San Francisco 75 Shaker 71 vacation homes 68 Victorian 71 art animals 57 contemporary 58 disrupted realism 57 mammals 57 nature 53 Northwest U. 58 Southwest, U. 58 T-wall 54 wood 57 art deco architecture 59 , 71 fashion 99 jewelry 89 , 93 sculpture 64 artisans 59 artists 60 Black American 57 Boston 58 Brandywine Valley 58 China 59 Mid-Atlantic 58 Midwest 58 New England 58 new media 59 New York 58 Southwest 59 West Coast 58 women 61 artists, Cape Cod 59 artists' homes and studios 67 artist's letters 60 art photography iphotography 51 art quilts 57 arts & crafts architecture 73 concrete 81 gardens 78 interior design 84 jewelry & metalwork 93 leather 97 Asad Qureshi 123 Assateague, VA ponies 131 astrophotography 56 atlas 46 , 63 , 124 automobiles Alfa Romeo 45 McLaren 45 midcentury 65 automotive 134 aviator watches 96 Avon jewelry 88 axinite group 128 B Bakelite jewelry 93 baking 125 for dogs 125 bald eagles 127 bar design 84 barns 66 New England 70 Bathgate, Chris 36 B. A. Van Sise 4 B.B. King 107 beaches 54 beaded jewelry 90 beaded purses 98 beads 87 beardless irises 76 Beatles, the 8 bedroom design 82 beer 122 Trappist 122 belvederes 70 Bertoia monoprints 64 beryl group 128 billiards & pool 84 biodiesel 68 biodiversity 131 bird photography 55 birds 127 photography 127 Blacker, Jon 112 BLADE 105 blue jeans 101 boathouses 66 boating 135 Bodine, A. Aubrey 55 body art 112 Bodyscapes® 54 Boeing 133 727 132 737 132 , 133 737 & 747 133 747 133 787 Dreamliner 133 boneyards 133 Boogeyman 137 Boston architecture 67 artists 58 painters 58 subway photography 51 botanical photography 55 boudoir art 62 Bouwhuijs, Martin ten 54 Bowery tattoos 114 bowling shirts 101 boxes flower boxes 81 planters 79 bracelets art jewelry 87 macrame 86 plastic 94 Zuni 91 Brain, Max 114 branding 65 brandy, distilling 122 Brandywine Valley artists 58 brass Brass Valley 52 Mexican art 92 period jewelry 93 Brazil nude photography 54 Breitling watches 95 bridal bouquet 118 bridges history 70 Broadway 12 Bronx graffiti 105 bronze sculpture 63 Brooklyn, NY 52 Brooklyn tattoos 112 Brundage, Frances 62 buckles Indian jewlery 91 plastic jewelry 94 bugs in art 57 bungalows, California 73 Burgess, Thornton W. 123 Burlesque 109 Burns Archives, the 55 Burns, Stanley B., MD 55 bushido 112 business 132 buskers 110 butterflies 131 buttons 87 , 89 , 94 C cabins 69 cakes 119 California architecture 73 bungalows 73 fashion 99 , 100 fences & gates 78 interior design 84 lighthouses 73 midcentury architecture 75 calligraphy 110 New York 58 cameos 87 , 93 Campbell, Bill 111 camping 131 Candelaria, Mark 68 canvasbacks 126 Cape Cod art history 61 birds 55 , 127 hydrangeas 76 recipes 121 Cape May birds 55 Caplin, Harvey 55 , 124 Carlino Markets 120 cartoons 105 Caruso, Marilee 108 Cassidy, Kyle 113 castles 51 cat collectbiles 64 cathedrals 73 Cato, Ken 65 Catskills, NY, architecture 73 CAVS 105 celluloid jewelry 89 , 93 tattoos 114 cemetery photography 52 Cenozoic fossils 127 centerpieces 118 , 119 ceramic artists 57 ceramic arts wood-fired 83 charms 87 charts 135 cheesecake, pin-up 108 Chicago graffiti 106 Chick, Jack T. 111 children’s illustrators 62 Chincoteague, VA birds 126 Chinese artists 59 chocolate cheesecake 108 Chris Bathgate 36 Christmas antiques 92 decor 6 , 83 jewelry 92 chronographs 94 , 96 chronometers 95 , 96 Cicero, Carmen 56 civic architecture 52 , 67 Civil War illustrated leaders & battles 62 military regalia 101 coal heat 68 coastal garden plants 76 coffee 119 coffee houses 119 Colbert, Bernard 52 collaboration in art 59 Collins, Sailor Jerry 115 colonial law 132 color 37 , 52 , 65 theory 65 coloring books 110 , 111 , 122 comic watches 95 Commercial Aviation 133 compacts 87 concrete architecture 66 countertops 83 outdoor projects 77 patio design 77 sculpture 79 Coney Island 52 Connecticut architecture 74 Brass Valley 52 tobacco sheds 70 conservancy 131 rain gardening 77 console video games 111 conspiracy theories 125 Constellation, Lockheed 133 contemporary fashion 101 graffiti & street art 105 painting 56 pin-ups 108 sculpture 36 tattoo 115 Contemporary Pop Art 109 Printmaking 62 Sculpture 63 cookbooks 120 Coolidge, Calvin 125 Cooper, D. B. 133 Cope2 105 copper jewelry 93 corporate office design 81 cosplay 108 costume design 99 , 100 costume jewelry 87 , 88 , 89 , 92 , 93 countertops 83 country music 107 cowboys 55 photography 55 cowgirls 124 Crawfordsville crinoids 127 Cream 107 creative inspiration 37 creativity 65 crochet 89 , 90 Cromartie, James H. 59 Cryptozoology 136 crystals 127 Cuba 52 cupcakes 119 cupolas 70 , 72 Curtiss aerocar 31 Curtiss, Glenn 30 , 31 Curtiss motorcycles 30 D Davis, Don 107 DC-10/MD-11 133 DC Eagle Cam Project, the 127 decals surf memorabilia 116 decks 79 decor table 118 decorative concrete 78 Delaware Valley, architec- ture 73 de Movellán, Peter 64 denim 101 deposition 132 design 65 book covers 66 furniture 38 luxury 37 design techniques fashion 86 Destiny Children, the, graf- fiti 106 Detroit graffiti 105 Dewart, Murray 63 diamonds 118 diners 71 diplomatic gardens 76 disrupted realism 57 distilling 122 diving watches 96 DKW (Dampf-Kraft-Wa- gen) 134