
Who Are They Really?: New Discoveries and Ap- proaches Identifying UFOs, Abductions, and Ex- traterrestrials Daniel Harran PhD. UFOs and extrater- restrial beings have been visiting Earth regularly for ages—but not in the way you might think. And abductions are terrifyingly real, too. These "space travelers," or visi- tors, or kidnappers conduct themselves as neutral observ- ers of the progress of Earth’s affairs. Even more surprising, they can be human beings like us or elementals (such as fairies and elves), and some of them live among us. • 6" x 9" (152 x 228 mm) • 6 charts • 224 pp. • 978-0-7643-6190-6 • PB • $19.99 / £18.99 / $28.99 CAD Vampire Evolution: From Myth to Modern Day E. R. "Corvis Nocturnum" Vernor &, L. E. Carruba. Vampires are folkloric creatures who live off the blood of the living and have been recorded in nearly every culture around the world since the beginning of man. This work traces the evolution and popular culture surrounding the vam- pire today. • 6" x 9" (152 x 228 mm) • 61 b/w & color images • 144 pp. • 978-0-7643-4841-9 • HC • $24.99 / £22.99 / $35.99 CAD Vampires of Lore: Traditional Tales and Modern Misconceptions A. P. Sylvia. A new way of looking at our modern understanding of vampires through traits rooted in historical folklore and the modern misconcep- tions that result. You may be surprised to learn that there are big differences between the realm of folklore and what modern media has taught us. To unearth the answers, we must delve into the past and explore beliefs from around the world. • 6" x 9" (152 x 228mm) • • 128 pp. • 978-0-7643-5792-3 • HC • $19.99 / £18.99 / $28.99 CAD Evolutionary UFOlogy Jordan Hofer, Foreword by Butch Witkowski. Foreword by Butch Witkowski. Nev- er-before-heard speculations and hypotheses to answer questions surrounding Gray aliens’ evolution and inter- ference with the human race. Explore speculations from the perspective of evolutionary biology and Darwinism— you may be startled to find that the Grays and humans are competing organisms locked in a galactic struggle for existence • 6" x 9" (152 x 228 mm) • 18 b/w photos • 160 pp. • 978-0-7643-4505-0 • PB • $16.99 / £15.99 / $23.99 CAD Little Gray Bastards—The Incessant Alien Presence Jordan Hofer and David Barker. Stare into the black eyes of alien visitors—those little Gray bastards who are omnipresent in our daily lives. Includes abductions; com- munications through artists; interconnections between Grays, ghosts, and other paranormal phenomena; and a history of alien attacks on humans • 6" x 9" (152 x 228 mm) • 8 b/w images • 160 pp. • 978-0-7643-5005-4 • HC • $16.99 / £15.99 / $23.99 CAD Military Response to UFO Activity Stephen Cox. Take an in depth look at the US government’s reactions to UFO phenomena since 1947. Find out what happens when military aircraft fire on a UFO and whether these aircraft are a threat to our national security. Be there with military and civilian pilots, military personnel, and others who have had encounters with UFOs. Approach the threshold of the unknown • 6" x 9" (152 x 228 mm) • 26 b/w images • 160 pp. • 978-0-7643-4062-8 • PB • $16.99 / £15.99 / $23.99 CAD A Silent Invasion: The Truth About Aliens, Alien Abductions, and UFOs Reverend Debra Marshall. This comprehensive study includes 110 interpreted images and information that is Spirit Guide-assisted, as well as from the author’s own experiences • 6" x 9" (152 x 228 mm) • 110color images•136pp.•978-0-7643-4609-5•PB•$16.99 / £15.99 / $23.99 CAD UFO and Alien Management: A Guide to Discov- ering, Evaluating, and Directing Sightings, Ab- ductions, and Contactee Experiences Dinah Rose- berry. Bring the memories of an incident to the light of day via new visualization techniques. Revisit abduction experiences, discover if you’ve had an encounter but have forgotten it, or if there has been contact of which you are unaware, and more • 6" x 9" (152 x 228 mm) • 80 pp. • 978-0-7643-4606-4 • Spiral • $12.99 / £11.99 / $17.99 CAD UFO Conspiracy Carmen McLaren. The US government has hidden the proof of the existence of UFOs since 1947. Read the evidence showing that they consider them real • 7" x 10" (177 x 254mm) • • 352 pp. • 978-0-7643-3893- 9 • PB • $29.99 / £27.99 / $42.99 CAD UFOs Above the Law: True Encounters with Law Enforcement Frank Soriano & Jim Bouck. A collection of UFO reports from law enforcement officers and other government officials that prove that UFOs are not only real, but are here en masse. Experience abductions, learn investigative procedures, read transcripts of radio chas- es, track strange lights, and investigate things that most people would run from! • 6" x 9" (152 x 228 mm) • • 192 pp. • 978-0-7643-3920-2 • PB • $19.99 / £18.99 / $28.99 CAD UFOs Over America: Scariest Cases Joseph Flammer. Follow a New York field Investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) as he investigates more than 70 im- portant Ufology topics that gravely affect the US. Broken into three parts—The Biggest, Baddest, Scariest UFO Events In America; Crashes, Chases, Shoot-downs, and Mysteries; and Alien Abductions • 6" x 9" (152 x 228mm) • 17 b/w images • 160 pp. • 978-0-7643-5099-3 • HC • $19.99 / £18.99 / $28.99 CAD UFOs Over Colorado: A True History of Extrater- restrial Encounters in the Centennial State Pres- ton Dennett. UFO encounters from the early 1900s through contemporary times. This is the first book to present a comprehensive history of extraterrestrial encounters in the Centennial State. Arranged by decade, read a dazzling array of sightings, landings, face-to-face encounters, onboard experiences, and UFO crash/retrievals • 6" x 9" (152 x 228 mm) • 12 b/w images • 224 pp. • 978-0-7643- 5424-3•PB•978-1-5073-0045-9 (E-book) •$19.99 / £18.99 / $28.99 CAD THE UFO Phenomenon: Should I Believe? Robert Davis. Evidence, new perspectives, and detailed analysis make this a thought provoking study for those at every level of knowledge and belief. Learn about pilot and as- tronaut UFO experiences, strange encounters with UFOs, alien abductions, official government and military declas- sified UFO documents, and future directions and research needed to better understand the phenomenon • 6" x 9" (152 x 228mm) • 208 pp. • 978-0-7643-4764-1 • PB • 978- 1-5073-0009-1 (E-book) • $16.99 / £15.99 / $23.99 CAD Unidentifiable Flying Objects: The Dwindling Probability of Solving the UFO Enigma Jordan Hofer and David Barker, Foreword by Mack Maloney, author of UFOs in Wartime and radio host of Mack Maloney’s Military X-Files. UFO research in the twentieth century was daunting, fraught with misidentification, blurry photos, and fraud. Now, with millions of drones in our skies and superb computer graphics, the twenty-first century threatens to overwhelm ufology with trickery and truly unidentifiable flying objects. Discover new challenges and whether we will ever understand the truth • 6" x 9" (152 x 228mm) • 22 b/w images • 160 pp. • 978-0-7643-5423-6 • PB • $16.99 / £15.99 / $23.99 CAD Aliens Among Us: Exploring Past and Present Barry Strohm. Learn the history of aliens on the earth from an alien’s perspective via channeled communications. Includes truths about aliens in Heaven, abductions, high profile ongoing UFO cases, and more. Written by an author specifically chosen by an alien to deliver the messages • 6" x 9"" (152 x 228 mm) • 53 b/w & color images • 176 pp. • 978-0-7643-5006-1 • HC • $19.99 / £18.99 / $28.99 CAD The Essential Guide to UFO Sightings Since 1945 Frank Schwede. More than 10 important basic UFO sight- ings and topics that delve into the mysteries of the universe. Includes UFOs over Germany, the Soviet Union, and the US; the Roswell incident; and more • 6" x 9" (152 x 228 mm) • 94 color images • 112 pp. • 978-0-7643-5437-3 • PB • $9.99 / £9.99 / $13.99 CAD The Thrill of Repulsion: Excursions into Horror Culture William Burns. This collection of carefully cu- rated lists, articles, and interviews celebrates the belea- guered horror genre across different media. Divided into four sections—Film, Television, Literature & Comic Books, and Music—this book groups horror movies from the Silent Era to today, as well as classic horror books and cult musical albums, into categorical lists • 6" x 9" (152 x 228mm) • No illustrations • 280 pp. • 978-0-7643-5143-3 • HC•978-1-5073-0161-6 (E-book) •$24.99 / £22.99 / $35.99 CAD Travelogue of Horror Tony Urban. A horror themed travelogue covering horror movie filming locations, famous graves, UFO crash sites, myth- ical monsters, and more. More than 70 color photos and text take readers to sites from Friday the 13th, Silence of the Lambs, The Evil Dead, and more than 20 additional films • 11" x 8 1/2" (279 x 215 mm) • 90 color photos • 128 pp. • 978- 0-7643-4598-2 • HC • $24.99 / £22.99 / $35.99 CAD World War II Ghosts: Artifacts Can Talk Richard J. Kimmel. 52 World War II artifacts are investigated via historical information, pendulum dowsing, psychometry, electronic voice prints, and psychic intervention. Renowned psychic Jane Doherty, Shamanic Journeyer and Reiki Master Lisa Palandrano, and New Jersey Ghost Organi- zation psychic Maryanne Vasnelis join forces with the author/sensitive to prove that these artifacts can talk. • 6" x 9" (152 x 228 mm) • 52 b/w photos • 192 pp. • 978-0- 7643-3159-6 • PB • $14.99 / £13.99 / $19.99 CAD Alien Abductions: The Control Factor James Bouck & Robert Long, Foreword by Kathleen Marden. Discover what science is learning about the alien presence and the way they manipulate space and time. Learn the facts about implants, mind control, memory, and why aliens are here. Revisit tall tales and consider current scientific research. Find out why some can see UFOs and some can’t, what a typical abduction scenario is like, and what you can do to prevent being taken. • 6" x 9" (152 x 228mm) • 160 pp. • 978-0-7643-5966-8 • PB • $16.99 / £15.99 / $23.99 CAD Alien Arrival: Salvation or Destruction Michael FitzGerald. Sightings, contact, and abduction cases are all considered, as well as a detailed study of the evidence for life on other planets and, in particular, Mars and on the Moon. The search for extraterrestrial life and attempts to communicate with it, cover ups, conspiracies, dooms- day scenarios, and the possibility that UFO activity rep- resents an attempt to encourage us to work together for the salvation of our planet • 6" x 9" (152 x 228mm) • 128 pp. • 978-0-7643-4763-4 • PB • 978-1-5073-0010-7 (E-book) • $16.99 / £15.99 / $23.99 CAD VAMPIRES UFOS | 141 UFOS • VAMPIRES